

There’s so much happening in our country right now—from the 2020 election to the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to the ongoing fight against systemic racism—and, as a result, caring for our mental health has never been more important.

由于内在限制和其他预防性健康和安全措施来阻止Covid-19的传播,在线治疗has emerged as a practical, reliable, and effective way for many to prioritize their mental health. More popular than ever, online therapy is bringing relief and support to millions of Americans struggling with the collective issues impacting our country, as well as their own personal challenges.

According to Verywell’s new study of 1,000 Americans currently in online therapy, there’s one thing everyone can agree on—online therapy is here to help. In fact, 90% of those surveyed agree that seeking out mental health services is a true sign of strength.

Amy Morin, LCSW


- 艾米莫琳,液晶


Decline of Mental Health Stigma

The very foundation of online therapy has always been to provide people with a safe and accessible space to discuss concerns, conflicts, challenges,health conditions, everyday thoughts and needs, and more with a trained mental health professional. But existing stigma around mental health treatment—and an unfamiliar platform that significantly altered the therapeutic environment—meant online therapy remained far from top-of-mind.



Amy Morin, LCSW


- 艾米莫琳,液晶

这些用户依赖于在线疗法来实现今天不稳定的景观的UPS和倒闭。所以,它应该毫不奇怪,超过三分之一的美国人对继续进行的计划see their therapists online至少接下来的六个月。在这些不确定的时期,在线治疗已成为这么多希望的希望。



Different Regions Have Different Stressors


  • The government’s handling of Covid (68%)
  • The economic recession (65%)
  • 2020选举(64%)
  • 种族不公正(61%)
  • Police brutality (60%)


  • 东北: Those in the Northeast are overall more worried about many political issues than the entire rest of the country, specifically the government’s response to COVID (74%), the 2020 election (71%), the economic recession (71%), and racial injustice (69%), to name only a few.
  • 西方: Those in the West trend slightly higher for concerns over police brutality when compared to the rest of the country (65%).

But the age-old adage still rings true—actions speak louder than words. Despite how worried Northeasterners are about specific political issues when compared to the rest of the country, those on the West Coast are more likely to bring those issues into their therapy sessions. Not everyone tells their therapist everything, but of those surveyed:

  • 西方:Those in the West lean more heavily on online therapy for help coping with political issues when compared to the rest of the country—specifically regarding the government's handling of COVID (52%), racial injustice (46%), and theeconomic recession(42%)等。
  • 东北, Midwest & South:Those in the Northeast, Midwest, and South may not be as engaged as those in the West quite yet, but about 1 in 3 from each of these regions is going online to discuss racial injustice, the economic recession, and the spread of misinformation with their therapist.

Online Therapy Is Helping People Find Relief


But 1 in 5 of those surveyed actually began online therapy in the last three months. This is not only suggestive of the piling stress,焦虑以及近几个月影响美国人的万博手机客户端其他心理健康问题,但美国人使用的工具正在使用。该战略似乎也在运作,在在线治疗中的人群的满意度也很高。


  • Ease of use (92%)
  • 隐私(91%)
  • 响应时间(91%)
  • 咨询质量(90%)
  • 安全性(86%)
  • Cost (82%)

此外,93%的受访者认为治疗有用。这是在国家骚乱和社会动荡的时期有前途,并解释了为什么1在3次调查的说法当前的选举问题are among the very reasons they are presently seeking treatment through online therapy.


Amy Morin, LCSW

Online therapy can be more accessible for people. You don’t need to arrange for childcare or commute, it typically costs less than in-person treatment, and it can be helpful to those in rural areas or in areas with long waitlists since most online therapy sites match people to a therapist within a day or two.

- 艾米莫琳,液晶


  • 71%的人发现他们对送孩子回到学校的逮捕帮助
  • 67% found help for dealing with their失业
  • 65% found help for being discriminated against
  • 64%的人发现有助于他们恢复工作的不安
  • 63% found help for their concern over them or their loved ones contracting COVID-19


当事情处于助焊剂中,持续留下的基础,在整个国家的这种动荡时期,更不用说。但有希望 - 那些选择参加在线治疗的人可以认出它是一个健康和成功的行动。

还有一致 - 在线治疗是一种方法战斗力和心理健万博手机客户端康问题,也是国家对话产生的不确定性和不适感。但也许最重要的是,在线治疗是一个真正的力量迹象和强大的工具,如果利用,可以帮助更多的美国人保持更好的心理健康。万博手机客户端


Verywell conducted the above research as an online survey, fielded to 1,000 adults living in the U.S. from August 17, 2020 to September 4, 2020. To qualify, survey participants must have spoken with a therapist online in the last three months and typically do so at least once a month. Quotas were used to ensure representation across gender, region, and race/ethnicity. The margin of error is +/- 3% with a 95% confidence level and is higher for subgroups. Demographics were as follows:

  • 性别: 59% Female, 40% Male, 1% Non-Binary/Third Gender
  • :8%Gen Z,41%千年,26%Gen X,24%Boomer或更老
  • 地区:东北20%,20%中西部,38%南,西部23%
  • Location: 43% Suburban, 39% Urban, 18% Rural
  • Race/Ethnicity:69%白色,15%黑,16%西班牙裔,7%亚洲,3%美洲原住民或阿拉斯加本地人
  • Political Views:26%保守,30%温和,39%自由
  • Education: 58% College Graduate or More, 42% Some College or Less
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