When you start working on something but do not finish it, thoughts of the unfinished work continue to pop into your mind even when you've moved on to other things. Such thoughts urge you to go back and finish the thing you have already begun. It's why you keep thinking about that page-turner. Or why you want to finish playing a video game until you win. Unfinished work continues to exert an influence, even when we try to move on to other things.
How Was It Discovered?
首先由一个名为Bluma Zegigarnik的俄罗斯心理学家,这是一个有影响力的理论家的学生Kurt Lewin.。虽然坐在维也纳的一家繁忙的餐厅,但她指出,服务员对无偿订单有更好的回忆。但是,一旦账单支付,服务员难以记住订单的确切细节。
In aseries of experiments, participants were asked to complete simple tasks such as placing beads on a string, putting together puzzles, or solving math problems. Half of the participants were interrupted partway through these tasks.
During the 1960s, memory researcher John Baddeley further explored these findings in an experiment. Participants were given a limited period of time to solve a set of anagrams. When they could not solve the anagram before the time was up, they were given the word answer.
后来,当参与者被要求回忆字谜中的单词时,他们表现出对自己所读单词的更好记忆notsolved. This supports Zeigarnik's finding that people have a better memory for unfinished or interrupted information.
然而,并非所有研究都发现支持效果。一些研究未能显示相同的效果,其他研究人员发现有各种各样的因素可以影响效果的强度。例如,研究表明motivationcan play a major role in how well people remember information.
Short-term memory容量和持续时间都有限。通常情况下,我们只能设法在内存中保留这么多东西,即使这样,我们也需要不断地排练这些信息,以便保留下来。这需要相当多的脑力劳动。不足为奇的是,你越是试图在短期内保持你的记忆,你就越难让它保持不变。
Zeigarnik效应揭示了很多关于记忆的工作原理。Once information is perceived, it is often stored in sensory memory for a very brief time. When we pay attention to information, it moves into short-term memory. Many of these short-term memories are forgotten fairly quickly, but through the process of active rehearsal, some of this information is able to move into长期记忆。
Zeigarnik suggested that failing to complete a task creates underlying cognitive tension. This results in greater mental effort and rehearsal in order to keep the task at the forefront of awareness. Once completed, the mind is then able to let go of these efforts.
How to Make the Most of It
Get More Out of Your Study Sessions
- 如果您正在学习考试,请分解您的学习课程,而不是尝试在测试前一天晚上全部克切。通过以增量学习信息,您将更有可能在测试日之前记住。
- 如果您正在努力记住一些重要的东西,那么瞬间中断可能实际上适用于您的优势。而不是简单地重复一遍又一遍地重复信息,而不是几次审查它,然后休息一下。虽然你专注于其他东西,但你会发现自己在精神上返回你正在学习的信息。
Overcome Procrastination
- Oftentimes, we put off tasks until the last moment, only completing them in a frenzied rush at the last possible moment in order to meet a deadline. Unfortunately, this tendency can not only lead to a great deal of stress, but it can also result in poor performance.
- 克服困难的一种方法procrastination就是让Zeigarnik效应发挥作用。从迈出第一步开始,不管有多小。一旦你已经开始但还没有完成你的工作,你会发现自己一直在思考这个任务,直到最后你完成它。你可能不可能一下子完成所有的事情,但是每迈出一小步,你就离最终目标更近了。
- 这种方法不仅有助于激励你完成任务,而且一旦你最终完成了一项工作,并且能够将你的精神能量运用到其他地方,它也会给你带来成就感。
- 广告商和营销人员也利用Zeigarnik效应来鼓励消费者购买产品。例如,电影制作人制作电影预告片的目的是通过忽略关键细节来吸引眼球。它们吸引了观众的注意力,却让人们想要更多。为了获得所有的细节,人们必须冒险到票房或购买电影一旦在家发行。
- Television programs also make use of this strategy. Episodes often end during a moment of high action, leaving the fate of characters or the outcome of the situation unresolved. In order to resolve the tension created by such cliffhanger endings, viewers have to remember to tune in for the next episode to find out what happens.
Promote Mental Well-Being
- As you might imagine, the Zeigarnik effect is not necessarily always beneficial. When you fail to complete tasks, they can prey on your mind, intruding on your thoughts and creating stress. These invasive thoughts can lead to feelings of anxiety and contribute to sleep disturbances.
- 不过,这种效果也可以在克服这些困难方面发挥作用。反复思考可以激励人们完成他们已经开始的任务。完成这些任务可以带来成就感,自尊心, and self-confidence.
A Word From Verywell
The Zeigarnik effect began as a simple observation of how restaurant waiters deal with customer orders. Subsequent research has offered support to the idea that, at least in some instances, we have a tendency to better recall unfinished tasks than completed ones. While there are many factors that can influence the occurrence of the effect and its strength, you can utilize knowledge in a number of ways. By taking deliberate breaks while working on a project, you may find that you are able to better remember important details.