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  • 短期记忆非常简短。When short-term memories are not rehearsed or actively maintained, they last mere seconds.
  • 短期记忆有限。通常建议短期记忆可以容纳七加或减去两件物品。






While many of our short-term memories are quickly forgotten, attending to this information allows it to continue the next stage—long-term memory



In an influential paper titled "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two," psychologist George Miller suggested that people can store between five and nine items in short-term memory. More recent research suggests that people are capable of storing approximately four chunks or pieces of information in short-term memory.


Short-term memory is often used interchangeably with working memory, but the two should be utilized separately. Working memory refers to the processes that are used to temporarily store, organize, and manipulate information. Short-term memory, on the other hand, refers only to the temporary storage of information in memory.

短期vs。Long-Term Memory

Memory researchers often use what is referred to as the three-store model to conceptualize human memory. This model suggests that memory consists of three basic stores:感官,短期和长期,每个都可以根据存储容量和持续时间来区分。


The information-processing view of memory suggests that human memory works much like a computer. In this model, information first enters short-term memory (a temporary holding store for recent events) and then some of this information is transferred into long-term memory (a relatively permanent store), much like information on a computer being placed on a hard disk.



The Atkinson-Shiffrin Model



As mentioned earlier, chunking is one memorization technique that can facilitate the transfer of information into long-term memory. This approach involves breaking up information into smaller segments. If you were trying to memorize a string of numbers, for example, you would segment them off into three or four item blocks.


排演can also help information make it into long-term memory. You might use this approach when studying materials for an exam. Instead of just reviewing the information once or twice, you might go over your notes over and over again until the critical information is committed to memory.



Recent research has shown that exercise may also help increase short-term memory. One experiment found that treadmill exercise in rats with Alzheimer's led to improvements in short-term memory by increasing神经发生, offering hope for new approaches that alleviate some of the symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease.



As researchers continue to learn more about factors that influence memory, new ways of enhancing and protecting short-term memory may continue to emerge.

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