
Information that you have to consciously work to remember is known as explicit memory, while information that you remember unconsciously and effortlessly is known as implicit memory. People often focus more on the topic of explicit memory, but researchers are becoming increasingly interested in how implicit memory works and how it influences knowledge and behavior.

由于任何学生可以告诉你,有时需要做很多工作和努力来提交信息memory。When you're studying for a big exam, it might take hours of practice in order to remember what you studied.

However, some other events, details, and experiences enter our memory with little or no effort. For example, on the way to class, you might hear a catchy pop song on the radio. Days later, you find yourself still humming that same tune.


Cindy Chung/Verywell




Types of Explicit Memory

  • Episodic memory:这些是你的long-term memoriesof specific events, such as what you did yesterday or your high school graduation.
  • Semantic memory: These are memories of facts, concepts, names, and other general knowledge.


需要使用明确记忆的一些任务包括记住您在您的学到的内容psychology class,回顾您的电话号码,确定当前总统是谁,撰写研究文件,并记住您在遇到朋友去电影时的时间。


  • All of the items on your shopping list
  • 朋友和家人的出生日期
  • Important events from your life such as your school graduation, wedding, or another notable milestone
  • Names and locations of different countries on a map


What is Implicit Memory?



Procedural memories(例如如何执行棒球蝙蝠或制作烤面包)的特定任务是一种类型的隐式记忆,因为您不必有意识地回顾如何执行这些任务。虽然隐含的记忆并没有有意识地回忆起,但它们仍然会影响你的行为方式以及你对不同任务的知识。



Other examples of implicit memory may include:

  • 知道如何使用餐具并每天服装自己
  • Navigating a familiar area such as your house or neighborhood
  • Recalling how to boil water to fix dinner, or drive a car
  • Remembering the words to a popular song after hearing the first few notes



In order to understand some of the key differences between these two types of memory, it can be helpful to compare the two:

  • Are encoded to memory and later retrieved

  • 通常通过排练刻意形成

  • Can be encoded unconsciously and tied to emotions

  • 可以通过协会拟订意识

Implicit Memory
  • 随着重复的时间变得自动

  • Begins with learning skills and mastering a task

  • Can result in priming, or responding the same way to similar stimuli

  • 通常依赖上下文和提示




Influences on Explicit and Implicit Memory


One study found that high-stress levels on working memory, a part of short-term memory that acts as a temporary holding space for information people are focusing on at the moment. This part of memory is important in the formation of explicit memories. The research also suggested that stress may actually facilitate the formation of implicit memories for negative emotional information.

学习have also suggested这种情绪也可以在明确和隐性记忆中发挥重要作用。

A Word From Verywell

显式和隐式内存扮演重要角色in shaping your ability to recall information and interact in your environment. Knowing some of the major differences between the two is important for understanding how memory works.

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