Episodic Memories and Your Experiences

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Episodic memory is a category of长期记忆that involves the recollection of specific events, situations, and experiences. Your memories of your first day of school, your first kiss, attending a friend's birthday party, and your brother's graduation are all examples of episodic memories. In addition to your overall recall of the event itself, it also involves your memory of the location and time that the event occurred.

Closely related to this is what researchers refer to as autobiographical memory or your memories of your own personal life history. As you can imagine, episodic and autobiographical memories play an important role in your self-identity.


Imagine that you get a phone call from an old college friend. You get together for dinner one day and spend the evening reminiscing about numerous amusing moments from your days at university. Your memories of all those specific events and experiences are examples of episodic memory.




The term episodic memory was first introduced by Endel Tulving in 1972 to distinguish between knowing factual information (semantic memory) and remembering events from the past (episodic memory).

Episodic memory together with semantic memory is part of the division of memory known as显式或宣言内存。Semantic memory is focused on general knowledge about the world and includes facts, concepts, and ideas. Episodic memory, on the other hand, involves the recollection of particular life experiences.


There are a number of different types of episodic memories that people may have.

Specific Events


Personal Facts

Knowing who was president the year that you got married, the make and model of your first car, and the name of your first boss are all examples of personal fact episodic memories.


Remembering what a kiss feels like is an example of this general type of memory. You do not remember each and every kiss you've ever shared, but you can recall what it feels like based on your personal experiences.

Flashbulb Memories.

Flashbulb memories are vivid and detailed "snapshots" related to finding out particularly important news. Sometimes these moments might be highly personal, like the moment you found out that your grandmother had died. In other cases, these memories might be shared by many people in a social group. The moments you found out about the 9/11 attacks or the Paris concert theater attacks are examples of shared flashbulb memories.


Some examples of episodic memories might include:

  • 您最近的迪士尼乐园旅行的记忆
  • Where you were when you learned that a loved one had died
  • 你的旧手机号码的记忆
  • 你在你工作的第一天记忆
  • 您与伴侣的第一次约会回忆



研究人员发现,情节内存也可以与语义记忆相互依赖。在学习任务时,当新信息与之对齐时,参与者表现更好prior knowledge, suggesting that semantic knowledge of a task provides a sort of framework for new episodic learning.

参与者被要求记住杂货品的价格。那些在的人控制组当新信息与他们现有的杂货价格中的展示记忆一致时,更能记住这些价格。遗忘的参与者experimental group但是,在记住新信息时表现得更加糟糕,因为他们没有从他们的过去获取焦点信息。


Studies also suggest that there are sex differences in episodic memory. Research has found, for example, that women tend to outperform men on tests of episodic memory function, particularly on verbal-based episodic memory.研究还表明,妇女能够比男性更准确地进入这些记忆并使它们更准确地进行。



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