Cyberstalking refers to the use of the internet and other technologies to harass or stalk another person online, and is potentially a crime in the United States. This online harassment, which is an extension ofcyberbullying和in-person stalking, can take the form of e-mails, text messages, social media posts, and more and is often methodical, deliberate, and persistent.
What's more, cyberstalking is a growing problem. According to the Pew Research Center 4 out of 10 Americans have experienced online harassment and 62% of them consider it a significant issue.
- 粗鲁的、冒犯性的或暗示性的comments online
- Follow the target online by joining the same groups and forums
- 向目标发送威胁,控制或猥亵消息或电子邮件
- 使用技术威胁或勒索目标
- Tag the target in posts excessively, even if they have nothing to do with them
- Comment on or like everything the target posts online
- 创建假帐户以遵循目标社交媒体
- 反复向目标发送消息
- 破解或劫持目标的在线帐户
- 试图勒索性或露骨的照片
- 将不需要的礼物或物品发送到目标
- 在线发布机密信息
- Post or distribute real or fake photos of the target
- 用自己露骨的照片轰炸目标
- 创建旨在羞辱受害者的假职位
- 通过安装跟踪设备跟踪目标的在线移动
- 在笔记本电脑或智能手机上破解目标的相机,作为秘密录制它们的一种方式
- 即使被要求停止后,继续骚扰行为
Just like stalking, cyberstalking has the potential to cause a wide range of physical and emotional consequences for those who are targeted. For instance, it's not uncommon for those who are being harassed online to experience anger, fear, and confusion. They also might have trouble sleeping and even complain of stomach trouble.
甚至有报道,Cyberstalking的目标可能会经历后创伤应激障碍和suicidal ideation。If you are experiencing cyberstalking, it's important that you reach out for help. You can contact the National Center for Victims of Crime at 1-855-4-VICTIM (1-855-484-2846). And, if you or a loved one are in immediate danger be sure to call 911 right way.
You also should consider getting help from a mental health professional. They can help you process your feelings as well as provide support and guidance for what you're experiencing.
- 创建强密码。确保您的所有在线帐户以及设备的强密码有强密码。然后,在手机上设置提醒,定期更改密码。选择很难猜到但很容易记住的密码。
- 每次一定要注销。它可能看起来像一个疼痛,但是确保你日志out of email, social media accounts, and other online accounts after using them. This way, if someone were able to get into your device they would not have easy access to your accounts.
- 跟踪您的设备。不要让手机坐在桌子上工作或远离开放的笔记本电脑。有人只需要一两分钟,为安装跟踪设备或破坏您的设备。所以,确保你掌握这些东西,或者你以某种方式保护它们。
- Use caution on public wifi。认识到,如果您在酒店或当地咖啡店使用公共WiFi,您将自己带来冒险的风险。尽量避免使用公共WiFi或投资VPN。
- 练习在线安全习惯. 换句话说,把只接受你认识的人的朋友请求作为优先事项,并把你的帖子保密。你也应该考虑有一个电子邮件地址,是专门为你的在线活动。当您进行网上购物或加入忠诚度计划时,请使用此电子邮件。
- 利用安全设置。Go through each of your online accounts—especially your social media accounts—and ensure that you are using the strongest privacy settings as possible. You can even establish settings where people cannot tag you or post pictures of you without your approval first.
- 创建通用屏幕名称. 与其在网上使用全名,不如考虑开发一个性别中立的网名或假名。这样做,你让人们更难在网上找到你。你也应该把你的出生日期或家乡等可选部分留空。
- 保持位置安全。考虑在照片中禁用地理位置设置。您也应该避免在实时发布您的位置,而是邮寄照片显示在哪里追求的地方。
- 小心在线约会网站。Refrain from using your full name on在线交友网站. 你也应该避免透露个人信息,比如你的姓氏、地址、电子邮件和电话号码,直到你见过面并建立了信任。
- 执行社交媒体审计。It's always a good idea to go through your social media accounts and remove photos or posts that provide too much information about you or that create an image you don't want out there. Keep in mind, too, that even if you have blocked someone on social media, they may be able to still see your account by using another person's account or by creating a fake profile.
解决您遇到的Cyberstalking的第一步是做你能够结束与Cybersealking You的人的互动。虽然他们仍然可以找到其他方式来联系您,但您至少可以使他们更难与您联系。尝试将这些障碍设置为Cyberstalking。
- Tell the person to stop。只回复一次对你的人进行打开的人并告诉他们停止联系你。你不需要说出任何具体或解释你的答案,请让他们再次联系你。
- Block the person. 一定要阻止那个人在你所有的账户上跟踪你。你应该在社交媒体和智能手机上屏蔽它们。
- Refuse to respond to any contact。If the person cyberstalking continues to find ways to contact you, do not respond to anything they post or send you.
- 更改电子邮件地址和屏幕名称. 考虑获取一个新的电子邮件地址,并更改你的在线屏幕名称,以使网络跟踪你的人更难联系到你。
Increase Security
You also should prepare yourself for the possibility that their online harassment could escalate to in-personst。因此,确保您还要采取措施,让自己在家里,学校和工作安全。甚至可能有助于创造一个安全计划。以下是您可以做的其他一些事情:
- 更改密码。Even if your accounts have not been breeched you should change all your passwords and continue to change them on a regular basis.
- 考虑暂停在线帐户。If you are able, you should consider suspending your social media accounts or at least taking a break for them for a while. If you are not active online, it's harder for the person cyberstalking you to reach you.
- Get your devices checked. 在你再次使用你的设备之前,你应该让专业人士检查一下,以确保骚扰你的人没有安装跟踪设备或以某种方式入侵你的电脑。
Take Action
Here are the key points that will need addressed when taking action. Your local law enforcement can let you know if there is anything else you can do in order to stay safe.
- 保存所有证据。即使您可能觉得销毁所有内容,也很重要的是保留您已发送的人的人的一切副本。为自己制作副本和执法副本。
- Notify your local police. 如果你被网络跟踪,通知警方并提出正式投诉是很重要的。即使他们不能马上做任何事情,如果这种行为持续或升级,有一个正式的投诉文件是很重要的。
- 将它们报告给他们使用的网站或服务. 如果网络跟踪你的人通过Facebook、Instagram、Twitter、SnapChat、YouTube、Gmail或其他方式骚扰你,让相关部门知道你的遭遇。很多时候,这些组织认真对待网络跟踪投诉,并将解决这一问题。
Cyberstalking Laws
Even though there is not a specific federal law against cyberstalking, there are laws that can be used to prosecute those who engage in cyberstalking.
Likewise, a person may be charged with extortion if they publish or threaten to publish private photos or videos of another person with the intention of forcing them to do something they don't want to do, especially if they communicated through interstate commerce channels like phones, computers, or the internet.
还有一个规约,表明它是使用电话,互联网或任何其他电信设备来惹恼,滥用,骚扰或威胁另一个人的犯罪。与此同时,任何从事来电者ID欺骗的人 - 这意味着他们伪装了目标呼叫者ID上出现的数字 - 可以被指控犯罪。
至于国家法律,这些人因国家而异。如果您对州的Cyberstalking Smality感到好奇,请联系您当地的警察局。他们应该能够告诉您您所州必须满足Cyberstalking的法律。