What Is Stalking?

如何知道你的re Being Stalked

stis a word we often use jokingly, such as telling a friend you "stalked" their social media profile. But actual stalking is a serious and dangerous crime, and it can lead to terrible consequences for its victims.


What Constitutes Stalking


  • 打电话,发短信或通过电子邮件发送:一个人可能会与另一个人联系,即使它不受处理,那也没关系。但是,反复呼叫,发短信或电子邮件是不可能的,告诉你他们不想和你谈谈的人。如果你告诉别人不反复或只是一次联系你,如果他们继续伸出援手,它可以被视为跟踪。
  • Following and Monitoring:When a person follows you from one place to another, that is stalking. It doesn't matter which places—it is stalking if someone follows you home from work, to a friend's house, or anywhere else. If someone monitors or tracks your movement and/or location, that is stalking.
  • 游荡:这是挂在一个地方的行为,如果一个人这样做,它可以被认为是蹒跚的,因为你在那里。一个人不需要尝试与你沟通,因为它是跟踪。这种行为很棘手,因为追踪的人可以声称他们有理由在他们没有的地方。
  • Communication Through Others:被追踪的人可能会发现它们被沟通的能力被封锁。在这种情况下,他们可能会尝试通过电话,文本,电子邮件或亲自与您的家人或朋友沟通。
  • Damage:踩踏的人可能会损害一个人的家或其他财产。这可以用意图造成伤害或获得受害者的注意力。如果你告诉别人你不想和他们说话,他们的回应是损害你的财产,即跟踪。
  • Threats:一个人的人可以告诉他们的受害者,他们会对受害者做一些有害的事情,除非他们愿意与他们互动。任何威胁另一个人或让他们感到不安全或骚扰的行为都构成了跟踪。


There are several reasons one person might stalk another. None of these reasons are an acceptable excuse, since stalking is a behavior, or pattern of behaviors, that leads someone to feel unsafe. People who stalk often suffer from妄想和/或妄想思维。





For instance, it is unlikely that stalking someone would make that person interested in spending genuine time with you. However, the person committing the stalking likely sees it differently.


Someone who stalks might be genuinely surprised that their behavior is stalking if they have difficulties understand social cues and societal norms. When this is the cause of stalking, they may be very surprised to learn they are causing harm to the victim.


对其情绪和物理水平的受害者来说是危险的。跟踪的影响包括害怕,trauma, and a reduction in quality of life.




What To Do If You Think You're Being Stalked



It may be tempting to tell the person stalking you to leave you alone, but it's best to refrain from communicating with them. Oftentimes, they might feel more encouraged by the fact that you communicate with them. In other words, they may feel that their stalking means that you'll speak with them.


与他人分享这种经验可能导致你生活中更大的安全感。告诉你生命中的人们,你信任被追击的人,这样他们就可以以任何方式帮助你 - 包括没有与正在进行追击的人。


If someone is stalking you and you are in immediate danger, don't hesitate to call for help. Explain to a dispatcher that you're being stalked and are fearful for your safety.


Having evidence is important. Every time someone who is stalking you calls you, follows you, harasses you, or otherwise engages in stalking behavior towards you, write it down. Include as many details as possible, and always log the time, location, and date.


If someone won't leave you alone, you can file a restraining order against them so that a judge orders them to not come near or contact you. Usually you need to do this in person, and have a court date where you explain the situation to a judge. Your records of stalking incidents will be helpful in successfully obtaining a restraining order.

Find an Advocate

There are agencies with the resources to help you through this. Your town may have a domestic violence shelter or a sexual assault hotline. Advocates can help you take steps to keep yourself safe, such as creating a personal safety plan.

A Word From Verywell

If you are being stalked, there are steps you can take to feel safe again. Advocates are available, and the law is on your side. Don't hesitate to reach out to a trusted family member, friend, or mental health professional when coping with the effects of stalking. Remember, it is nothing to be ashamed of and taking precautions to protect yourself will be helpful for you to move forward and cope with the effects.

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  1. Sansone Ra,Sansone La。致命的吸引力综合征。精神病学(Edgmont)。2010; 7(5):42-46。

  • st. The United States Department of Justice.

  • Faden J,Levin J,Mistry R,Wang J. Delusional Dission,Erotomanic类型,通过社交媒体使用恶化。精神病学案件报告。DOI:10.1155 / 2017/8652524