

Verywell / Catherine Song



A microaggression is a subtle verbal or nonverbal behavior, committed consciously or not, that is directed at a member of a marginalized group, and has a harmful, derogatory effect.

Although subtle and potentially less harmful than outright prejudice or intolerance, microaggressions have an impact too; in fact, being exposed to chronic microaggressions over a period of time may be hurting your mental health.

For this reason, it's important that we as a collective whole do not simply ignore their presence or pretend that something doesn't make us feel uncomfortable. Instead, as a society, we need to acknowledge them and move forward with a unified strategy to reduce their impact. Below are some definitions of microaggressions as well as ideas on how to reduce them or minimize their impact.


The term microaggressions was first coined in the 1970s by Harvard Medical School psychologist Chester Pierce as a reaction to observing insults exchanged between white and black students. Later in 2007, Columbia University psychologist Derald Sue further popularized and defined the term.

It's important to note that those individuals who engage in microaggressions may or may not be doing it on purpose. Instead, these actions or comments may reflect the biases held by a particular group about other groups of people.



Of course, there are some people who are consciously aware of what they are doing, and perhaps are doing it with the intent to harm.

Types of Microaggressions


Micro Assaults

Micro assaults are the most overt type of microaggressions. Most often they are done intentionally and the person doing them knows that they are harmful and derogatory. An example would be using a slang term to refer to someone of a particular race, with the knowledge that this term has a derogatory meaning.

Micro Insults




Environmental Microaggressions



Groups Affected by Microaggressions

What groups are affected by microaggressions? Any marginalized group has the potential to be the target of microaggressions. Historically, this has included ethnic少数民族,妇女,残疾人,和LGBTQ,虽然任何边缘化的群体都有可能受到影响的潜力mental illness



  • A patient is waiting to see a medical professional in the hospital. A woman enters the room, and the patient assumes that she is a nurse instead of a doctor.
  • A person meets someone who is a visible minority and asks where they are "really from."
  • 一个人在街上走到街上,交叉到路的另一边,以避免某人(因为他们的外观)(即,可见的少数群体)。
  • A situation where someone tells a person who is LGBTQ that they don't "seem gay" or some other similar phrase.
  • A woman speaks up during a business meeting and afterward is told that she was being too assertive.
  • 一个是可见的少数群体的人被告知他们非常明确。
  • A person who is a visible minority (e.g., Asian) is told that they must be good in math because of their ethnicity.
  • 文档或其他通信中使用的代词排除了妇女或其他个人组(例如,LGBTQ)。

效果of Microaggressions

What are the effects of microaggressions on the people who are targeted? While it might seem like these little slights and insults would not have a large effect, in fact, research has shown that the cumulative effect of microaggressions over time has a significant effect on the mental health of the targets.

In addition, it's been shown that there is a correlation between the number of microaggressions and the level of mental health issues or萧条experienced.


What do you say if you're not sure the person is aware of the impact of what they said? What if it is a family member or a person in authority? What if nobody else is speaking up and it seems like others will belittle your experience or say that you are overreacting?



How do you cope if you are the target of microaggressions? If you've been the target of a micro insult or micro assault or any other type of microaggression, you might feel confused about how to respond.



While overt microaggressions might be difficult to deal with (e.g., the person intentionally tried to make you feel bad), the ones that are unintentional might be easier to remedy.


Preventing Microaggressions

How do we prevent microaggressions as individuals, as a society, and as members of the global community? Aside from calmly stating how microaggressions hurt you as a target, there is also a need to talk about how to avoid engaging in microaggressions yourself.


In this way, the only way to stop microaggressions is for everyone to confront their own inherent biases. And to do this, you will need to expose yourself to a wider variety of situations and people and perhaps things that make you uncomfortable.

This means being open to becoming friends with people from different places and people who have ideas that are different from yours. No, you don't need to change your morals and values, but you need to be open to learning about other people as individuals without immediately perceiving them as being part of a particular group (and having the biases that go along with that).


Microaggressionscause others to feel dismissed, alienated, insulted, or invalidated. They make differences in power and privilege more apparent and perpetuate stereotypes and racism. For this reason, evaluate your own biases, watch what you say, and censor yourself when your words might be hurtful.


What are the underlying causes of microaggressions? There is no simple answer, as many of the types of prejudice in question are partially a result of centuries of systemic racism and stereotypes that persist to this day, even as we have moved toward a more equal society. Issues like the following can linger in our collective consciousness:

  • Stereotypical depictions of minorities in popular literature, film, and television
  • 在我们历史的某些部分上粉刷或光泽
  • Being socialized by people of an older generation who may carry their views from a more intolerant time
  • The ease of scapegoating others rather than facing our own issues



It may be best, for example, not to police language in a way that creates more barriers between people, because those who don't understand their inherent biases aren't likely to change their words or behaviors.


明确ly, this is a complicated undertaking, and one that has been ongoing for decades, with a lot more work to be done.

A Word From Verywell

Whether you are a target of microaggressions or someone who has knowingly or unknowingly engaged in targeting others with microaggressions, you play a part in the solution to this problem. As a target, it's important to share with others how microaggressions make you feel, so that they can have a better understanding and greater empathy.

As an aggressor, it's important to deeply consider your inherent biases, how you can change them, and to broaden your experiences in the process. It's only through this joint effort that change will be seen and the negative long-term effects of microaggressions on mental health will be resolved.



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  1. Sue DW, Capodilupo CM, Torino GC, et al.Racial microaggressions in everyday life: implications for clinical practiceAm Psychol。2007;62(4):271-286. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.62.4.271

  2. Lui PP, Quezada L.Associations between microaggression and adjustment outcomes: A meta-analytic and narrative reviewPsychol Bull。2019;145(1):45-78. doi:10.1037/bul0000172

  • Barber S, Gronholm PC, Ahuja S, Rüsch N, Thornicroft G. Microaggressions towards people affected by mental health problems: a scoping review.Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci。2019; 29:E82。DOI:10.1017/S2045796019000763

  • Berkeley Political Review. The tyranny of microaggression.

  • National Institutes of Health.Microaggressions