Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is one of those things that even the most well-organized and punctual fall victim to at some point or another. Think about the last time you found yourself watching television when you really should have been doing homework. While common, procrastination can have a detrimental impact on your life, including your grades.




Young boy asleep on textbook


Fearis one factor that contributes to procrastination. This can involve a fear of failure, a fear of making mistakes, or even a fear of success.

心理学家Susan Krauss Whitbourne,Psychology Today贡献者和作者搜索履行,建议挑战您有错误的信念很重要。




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Estimate how long each task will take to complete, and then double that number so that you don't fall into the cognitive trap of underestimating how long each project will take.

Break Projects Down Into More Manageable Segments


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If you need towrite a paperfor class, what steps do you need to follow? If you are planning a big family event, what are the things you need to do and what supplies do you need to obtain?



Woman at desk in office thinking
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As you start to tackle items on your list, pay attention to when thoughts of procrastination start to creep into your mind. If you find yourself thinking "I don't feel like doing this now" or "I'll have time to work on this later," then you need to recognize that you are about to procrastinate.

When you feel tempted to procrastinate, don't give in to the urge. Instead, force yourself to spend at least a few minutes working on the task. In many cases, you might find that it is easier to complete once you get started.

Eliminate Distractions

distracted from homework

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It's hard to get any real work done when you keep turning your attention to what's on television or you keep checking your friends' Facebook status updates.

Assign yourself a period of time during which you turn off all distractions—such as music, television, and social networking sites—and use that time to focus all of your attention on the task at hand.

Reward Yourself


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Once you have completed a task (or even a small portion of a larger task), it is important to reward yourself for your efforts.


Final Thoughts

Happy woman with arms in air




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