Study Guides and Tips
有很多信息吸收comes to studying psychology. Learn about the fundamental theories, take sample quizzes, and master the inner workings of the mind.
The Basics of the Psychology of LearningFact checked by James Lacy
When to Use Surveys in Psychological ResearchFact checked by James Lacy
Defining a Random Sample in ResearchBy Kendra Cherry
The Definition of Random Assignment In PsychologyFact checked by Emily Swaim
Within-Subject Design ExperimentsFact checked by James Lacy
Why Validity Is Important to Psychological TestsFact checked by James Lacy
Using a Representative Sample in PsychologyFact checked by James Lacy
Using Likert Scales in PsychologyFact checked by Emily Swaim
Frequency Distributions in Psychology ResearchBy Kendra Cherry
Tips for Writing a Psychology Critique PaperFact checked by Emily Swaim
How the Experimental Method Works in PsychologyFact checked by Amanda Tust
How Correlational Studies Are Used in PsychologyFact checked by Emily Swaim
Pros and Cons of Longitudinal ResearchFact checked by Amanda Tust
Absolute Threshold of a Stimulus ExamplesFact checked by Adah Chung
How to Conduct a Psychology ExperimentFact checked by Emily Swaim
The Best Study Methods for Psychology StudentsBy Kendra Cherry
An Introduction to Psychology Research MethodsFact checked by Emily Swaim
Top Tips for Overcoming ProcrastinationFact checked by Adah Chung
Tips for Studying for the GRE Psychology Subject TestBy Kendra Cherry
How to Study for a Psychology TestFact checked by James Lacy
5 Psychology Test-Taking Strategies and TipsFact checked by Emily Swaim
How to Read Psychology Journal ArticlesFact checked by Emily Swaim
How to Use Psychology Flash CardsFact checked by Emily Swaim
How to Take Psychology NotesFact checked by Emily Swaim
What Is on the AP Psychology Exam?Fact checked by Emily Swaim
Replication in Psychology ResearchFact checked by Emily Swaim
What Is an Independent Variable?Fact checked by Amanda Tust
Psychology Research Methods Study GuideBy Kendra Cherry
7 Depression Research Paper Topic IdeasMedically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD
How Are Variables Used in Psychology Research?Fact checked by James Lacy
How to Study for Your Psychology ClassesFact checked by James Lacy
Put Your Short-Term Memory to the TestReviewed by David Susman, PhD
Psychology Research Jargon You Should KnowBy Kendra Cherry
Identify and Calculate the Mean, Median, and ModeFact checked by Emily Swaim
How to Design a Music and Personality ExperimentBy Kendra Cherry
How to Test Conformity With Your Own ExperimentFact checked by Emily Swaim
Does Eating Breakfast Improve School Performance?Fact checked by Andrea Rice
The Experimental Group in Psychology ExperimentsFact checked by Emily Swaim
How Random Selection Is Used In ResearchFact checked by Emily Swaim
Why Knowing a Mean (or Average) Is Useful in PsychologyBy Kendra Cherry