5 Test-Taking Strategies for Psychology Exams

Nothing can replace greatstudy skills但要练习好应试策略可以help improve your performance on psychology exams.这些技巧几乎适用于任何主题,所以开始研究你自己的应试方法,以确定哪些技巧最适合你。



Start by Looking Over the Test

Woman's hand, holding pencil, marking answer bubble on test sheet

As soon as you receive the exam, spend at least a couple minutes looking it over. How many questions are there? What type of questions are on the test? In many cases, your万博maxbetx官网登陆tests will be a mix of different questions types. For example, the test might include a number of multiple-choice questions, a true-false section, and a few散文-style questions.

Understanding the format of the test will give you a better idea of how to budget your time.


Pace Yourself

Clock on a wall behind a young man's head


Start by determining how long you have for each question. Generally, you should allow approximately 30 to 60 seconds for each multiple-choice question, depending upon the amount of time you have available for the test.


Don't Skip Around

Three students taking a test in a classroom


Also, you'll lose more time by having to look back over your test and figure out which questions you didn't answer. Instead, try working your way through the exam in the order the questions are presented.

如果你发现自己struggling with a particular question, place a clear and obvious mark next to it and then move on to the next question. When you are finished with each section of the test, you can then quickly go back to the marked questions and try to come up with a response.


Use the Process of Elimination



When you encounter a question that you don't immediately know the answer to, start by carefully reading each possible answer. Then start ruling out the options that make the least sense. Even if you are completely baffled by the question, it is often possible to use common sense and your prior knowledge of psychological topics to determine a likely answer.

Remember that some multiple-choice tests include more than one answer that is technically correct. Your job is to select the answer that fully answers the question and is the "most correct" out of all the possible options.




It may sound like a bit of very obvious advice, but reading each question carefully is one of the most important test-taking strategies you can use on any psychology test. As you begin to read the question, you might immediately formulate a response before you've even finished reading the question.


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  2. 田纳西州教育部。Five best practices to support student ACT success. 2016年8月出版。
