Reduce Stress Quickly With Karate Breathing Meditation

Woman Doing Yoga at Home

Zia Soleil / Stone / Getty Images

Meditation is apowerful stress reliever. Here is a simple and effective form of meditation that can be useful for beginners, and can be learned easily learned.

Whether you use it to prepare for physical battle or just a taxing day at the office, this quick exercise is a proven tool to help you feel relaxed, alert, and more ready for anything.


  1. Sit in a comfortable position. While most martial artists use the ‘seiza’ (“say zah”) position, with legs beneath the buttocks with knees directly in front, many people find this position to be uncomfortable. If this is the case, you may also sit cross-legged ('anza') or in another position that’s more comfortable for you.
  2. Close your eyes, but keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, head up, and your eyes (behind your lids) focused ahead.
  3. Take a deep, cleansing breath, expanding your belly and keeping your shoulders relaxed. Hold it in for the count of six.
  4. Exhale, and repeat twice more. Then breathe normally and focus your attention on your breathing.
  5. As you breathe, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, still expanding your belly rather than moving your shoulders up and down.
  6. 如果你的想法朝着前面的一天或在你身后的那一天的压力飘过,请轻轻地重新分析你的呼吸并留在目前的时刻。感觉空气进入,并感觉空气走出去。而已。
  7. Continue this for as little or as long as you like, and you should notice that your body is more relaxed and your mind is more centered. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Additional Tips

  1. As you breathe, let your abdomen expand and contract, rather than moving your shoulders up and down. Deeper breathing is more natural (it's similar to how babies breathe) and gives you increased lung capacity. The shallow breathing adults typically use doesn’t allow for as much oxygenation of the blood.
  2. Don't breathe too quickly or too slowly—just breathe at a natural rate, but more deeply.
  3. 如果你发现你的想法起初漂流了很多,不要担心你正在做wrong. Noticing that you've drifted and refocusing to your breathing is part of the practice and something you're doing right!
  4. 尝试另一个meditation technique并找到更多压力管理资源万博manbetx是正规公司吗and learn to better manage stress in your daily life.
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