
Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) was first developed in the 1970s at the University of California, Santa Cruz, by John Grinder (a professor of linguistics) and Richard Bandler (a mathematician). Through their research, Grinder and Bandler wanted to understand what made some therapists better than others. The outcome was that they developed a set of principles and techniques used to create change.

NLP has been used in various settings, including psychotherapy, medicine, and personal development. However, neurolinguistic programming is not generally considered a mainstream therapeutic approach. It has also not been validated scientifically for the treatment of social anxiety disorder (SAD). However, it may have value as an "add-on" to other traditional forms of treatment.

It's important to realize that NLP is not itself a form of psychotherapy; rather, it is a tool used to guide the therapeutic process.

Some neurolinguistic programming principles include the following:

  • You are not your behavior and you are free to change it
  • 您已经拥有了实现目标的资源
  • 没有失败,只有反馈
  • When you learn to communicate better, the world will respond to you better

In general, an NLP therapist will follow these steps with you:

  • Establishrapportwith you by mirroring your verbal and non-verbal behavior
  • 收集有关您的问题的信息以及您希望实现的目标
  • Consider any potential negative impact of achieving these goals on your personal life
  • Ensure that new behavior patterns are integrated into your daily life



  • Anchoring: Learning how to respond differently to a triggering situation (similar toclassical conditioning).
  • Reframing:识别可以取代适应行为的自适应行为,同时仍然实现相同的目标。
  • Belief Change:改变让你从成功回来的信念。
  • 未来的起搏:将目标整合到您的生活中,以便在治疗后继续取得成就。

Research on NLP


Although NLP may be of some value for SAD, well-established and supported treatments such ascognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)药物是你最好的选择。

A Word From Verywell

Neurolinguistic programming does not have sufficient evidence to support its effectiveness in mental health conditions. This means that if you approach your doctor about NLP, you aren't likely to get very far. If you try NLP as part of your efforts to deal with your social anxiety, consider contacting a wellness coach who uses this technique or reading a self-help book on the topic and trying it yourself. Once again, NLP should not be used in place of validated treatments.

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