
The formal operational stage is the fourth and final stage of让·皮亚杰的理论认知发展. 大约从12岁开始,一直持续到成年。


formal operational stage of cognitive development
插图由Brianna Gilmartin,非常好


Piaget tested formal operational thought in a few different ways. Two of the better-known tests explored physical conceptualization and the abstraction of thought.

Conceptualizing Balance


Younger children around the ages of 3 and 5 were unable to complete the task because they did not understand the concept of balance. Seven-year-olds knew that they could adjust the scale by placing weights on each end, but failed to understand that where they put the weights was also important. By age 10, the kids considered location as well as weight but had to arrive at the correct answer using trial-and-error.


Abstraction of Ideas


For example, an eye in the middle of one's hand would be useful for looking around corners. An eye at the back of one's head could be helpful for seeing what is happening in the background.



Piaget believed that deductive reasoning becomes necessary during the formal operational stage. Deductive logic requires the ability to use a general principle to determine a particular outcome. Science and mathematics often require this type of thinking about hypothetical situations and concepts.

Abstract Thought



在早期的阶段,儿童使用试验和错误解决问题. 在正式运作阶段,以逻辑和系统的方式系统地解决问题的能力就会出现。处于认知发展的正式操作阶段的儿童通常能够快速规划解决问题的有组织的方法。

假设 - 演绎推理

Piaget believed that what he referred to as "hypothetical-deductive reasoning" was essential at this stage of intellectual development. At this point, teens become capable of thinking about abstract and hypothetical ideas. They often ponder "what-if" type situations and questions and can think about multiple solutions or possible outcomes.

While kids in the previous stage (concrete operations) are very particular in their thoughts, kids in the formal operational stage become increasingly abstract in their thinking.

As children gain greater awareness and understanding of their own thought processes, they develop what is known as metacognition, or the ability to think about their thoughts as well as the ideas of others.


w以下的观察ere made about the formal operational stage of cognitive development:

  • 作者:Neil J.Salkind博士An Introduction to Theories of Human Development:“正式的行动思考者有能力在行动之前考虑问题的许多不同解决方案。这大大提高了效率,因为个人可以避免解决问题时可能失败的尝试。正式的操作人员考虑过去的经验、当前的需求和未来的后果,试图最大限度地提高他或她适应世界的成功率。”
  • From Christine Brain and Priscilla Mukherji, authors ofUnderstanding Child Psychology: "In the formal operational stage, actual (concrete) objects are no longer required and mental operations can be undertaken 'in the head' using abstract terms. For example, children at this stage can answer questions such as: 'if you can imagine something made up of two quantities, and the whole thing remains the same when one quantity is increased, what happens to the second quantity?' This type of reasoning can be done without thinking about actual objects."
Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process了解更多有关如何检查事实并保持内容准确、可靠和值得信赖的信息。
  1. Zeinstra GG、Koelen MA、Kok FJ、de Graaf C。认知发展与儿童对水果和蔬菜的认知;一项定性研究。国际行为健康法. 2007;4:30. 2007年7月9日出版。内政部:10.1186/1479-5868-4-30

  2. Berger KS.成长中的人经历了童年和青春期。麦克米伦;2008年。

  3. Duchesne DS,McMaugh DA公司。Educational Psychology for Learning and Teaching. Cengage AU; 2018.

  4. Salkind NJ.An Introduction to Theories of Human Development. SAGE; 2004.

  5. Brain C, Mukherji P.了解儿童心理学。万博maxbetx官网登陆Nelson Thornes; 2005.

  • 皮亚杰,J.(1977)。Gruber,H.E.;Voneche,J.J.编辑,《基本皮亚杰》。纽约:基础书籍。

  • 皮亚杰,J.(1983)。皮亚杰的理论。在P.Mussen(编辑)。儿童心理学手册。第四版。第一卷。纽约:威利。万博maxbetx官网登陆

  • Santrock,John W.(2008年)。生命周期发展的专题研究(第4版)。纽约市:麦克劳希尔。