Pornography addiction can seriouslydamage relationships并优先于某人生命中的重要职能和责任。如果您有色情成瘾,则行为是强迫性的。
What separates a porn addiction from a keen interest in porn is the negative consequences of your behavior.
虽然美国精神病学会(APA)努力在第五版中对色情成瘾进行分类Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)- 这是一个过度紊乱的子类别 - 科学委员会最终得出结论,没有足够的证据来支持诊断。
What Research Says
According to a2015年研究发表于期刊行为科学,an脑电图(EEG)可以检测大脑活动的特征变化(特别是,当观看色情片时,叫做P300的反应事件)。响应可能发生在300毫秒内观看色情内容。
The researches argued that the same response occurs when a drug user views drug-related paraphernalia or images. While the association on its own is hardly conclusive, it does suggest that porn addiction has a physiological as well as a psychiatric component.
- 渴望参与活动以及失败的尝试削减或控制活动(受损控制)。
- 未能在工作,学校或家庭和/或已放弃尝试(社会问题)中未能完成主要任务。
However, porn addiction fails to meet the definition of addiction in that:
- 它与风险和风险有关,
- It does not involve公差(a need for larger amounts to get the same effect) orwithdrawal(停止时的不良反应)。
Although some argue that these behaviors or associations can occur with porn addiction, the relationship is generally inconsistent or vague.
These arguments do not detract from the serious harm porn addiction can cause, both to the person dealing with the addiction and those around them.
- 即使你没有积极观看,你也会用色情思想消耗。
- 在您的手机上查看色情,或者在您可能所看到的社交场合中查看色情片。
- You feel ashamed, guilty, or depressed about your porn viewing.
- 尽管它已经伤害了,你继续观看色情,已经拥有,或者可能对你的关系,工作或家庭生活。
- 当色情未涉及色情时,您遇到与合作伙伴的性满意度降低。
- 你隐藏你的色情和色情者从您的配偶,家庭伴侣和家庭成员看。
- You get upset when asked to cut back on or stop looking at porn.
- You lose track of time when viewing porn.
- You have tried to quit watching porn but have not been successful.
According to a study from the Kinsey Institute (a research center dedicated to the study of human sexuality), approximately 9% of habitual porn viewers reported unsuccessful attempts to stop.
Habitual porn viewers also had a greater incidence of erectile dysfunction and低利他多, further differentiating "healthy" porn viewing from potentially harmful compulsive behaviors.
Getting Help
You don't have to confront your porn addiction alone or quit "cold turkey." A mental health professional who is experienced in treating sexual dysfunction can help you address how your porn viewing has impacted your life and the lives of those around you.
The website of the American Society of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (ASSECT) offers anonline locatortool that can help you find qualified therapists where you live.万博maxbetx官网登陆今天心理学operates a类似的定位器让你搜索一个治疗师,城市,邮政编码code, or name.
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, contact the药物滥用和心理健康服务管理局(Samhs万博手机客户端a)国家帮助热线at1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.
为了更多的心理健康万博手机客户端资源,看看我们的National Helpline Database。
Working with a psychologist who can provide the mosteffective treatment methods, such ascognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), will be essential to helping you develop effective relapse prevention skills as you address porn addiction.
A Word From Verywell
While it may be uncomfortable exposing truths about your behaviors and thoughts, you need to confront these realities to ensure you get the treatment you need. With the right treatment, you can achieve lasting recovery from porn addiction.
By bringing your compulsive behavior into the light, you can begin to answer some important questions about yourself. These answers will guide you to resolutions that will make you happier and your life more stable and productive.