
Rituals Are One Stage of the Addiction Process

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Most healthcare professionals believe that addictions do not occur instantly but over the course of several stages. If you suspect someone has anaddiction,面对面可能是一个非常岌岌可危的,困难的时期。你想介意他或她的感受,并让自己免受虚假或伤害的指责。但是,如果您了解阶段和令人瘾的迹象,则可以更好地了解,当您需要介入以及如何以获得积极结果的支持方式进行。


瘾can have varying levels of severity and difficulty. Some at risk of开发成瘾,甚至有人已经上瘾,可能能够在击中岩石底部之前征服成瘾。在早期阶段进行治疗可以增加成功恢复的机会。

The most commonly recognized stages are:

  1. Experimentation
  2. Use of Rituals
  3. 危险使用
  4. Dependence
  5. Full Addiction

Rituals and Addiction

Stage 2, where there is regular use of rituals, may be one of the easiest times to recognize symptoms of addiction and intervene. It is also the last point before the behaviors can become risky or dangerous.

The ritual stage is defined by regular use of an addictive behavior or substance and a specific routine that goes along with it.

This is a time when the person is no longer just experimenting; the behaviors have become a major part of their daily life. Their day-to-day schedule revolves around their addiction. For instance, someone with asex addiction可以下班回家,淋浴,然后进入聊天室或论坛来找到潜在的合作伙伴。他们每天可以在特定位置的特定时间遇到新人。

For some, the actions of the ritual are as important as the substance itself. It can fulfill certain urges and the time of day, technique and location can carry significant meaning to the user. Some of the behaviors of rituals actually feed into the addiction; a user may deliberately work themselves into a state of agitation by having a ritual that is easily interrupted, therefore giving them a reason or justification to use the substance more.

This becomes a subconscious routine. The person will continuously seek out and engage in the same behaviors, in the same order, every day. Eventually, lifestyle habits are created that revolve around addictive behaviors

Everyone experiences the stages of addiction differently. Some people may be in the ritual stage for just a few weeks; others may go through rituals for months. However, this is only a stage that will eventually evolve into the next part, engaging in risky behaviors. Getting help during the ritual stage is essential to prevent potential dangers and risks, such as injury, financial ruin or contracting an illness.

Get Help

如果您担心亲人,则经历成瘾的阶段或正在练习物质滥用或其他上瘾的仪式,找到一个therapistspecializing in treating these sorts of behaviors. They can help you recognize warning signs and help you decide on next steps, such as discussing the addiction issues directly with your loved one and treatment options.

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