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But this feeling is very momentary and it is fleeting. Afterward, the person experiences comedown, causing them to try and reach that high again.

What Is a Comedown?




Comedowns are consistent with all addictions, includingbehaviors购物and赌博。当购买磨损的刺激和不满的感觉时,购物者可能会感受到再次购买的冲动。以同样的方式,赌徒可能想要重新生活兴奋just before再次投注,赢得胜利或损失。喜剧的强度是Shopaholics和问题赌徒最终债务的一部分。

Know the Warning Signs


如果你发现自己参与上瘾haviors or abusing drugs and alcohol, it's important to be aware of its effect on both your mental and physical health. Addictions can have a significant impact on every facet of your life, including your relationships, finances, and overall well-being. If you continue chasing that high in order to avoid the feeling of a comedown, you may want to pursue therapy or a recovery program. Through treatment, you can face your addiction and discover the root causes of it, helping you establish a path forward and overcome your addiction. This can be an incredibly freeing experience, allowing you to live your life without being shackled by addictive behaviors.

Article Sources
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  • Altamira恢复。“Comedown效果”。2015年。