8 Warning Signs of a Troubled Marriage


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每一段婚姻关系都是独一无二的。但是,有一些常见的警告标志和红旗可能表明存在危险serious problems in a marriage. 如果你发现自己有这些顾虑,不要忽视它们,希望它们会消失。他们通常不会,如果不承认,他们甚至可能变得更糟。



每段感情都会有起起伏伏,但有一些迹象表明,你需要仔细观察,以确定它们是否是婚姻中不顺利的结果。这里有10种常见的signs of marriage trouble小心。

You're Always Criticizing Each Other



Everyone goes through periods of ups and downs in the bedroom. Not wanting to rip your partner’s clothes off every night is no reason to panic. But if you’re both physically healthy enough to have sex, but go months or even years without it, a deeper issue—like a lack ofemotional intimacy或者romance-may是这个问题。

性也许不是一切,但它是健康浪漫关系的重要组成部分。发表在社会心理学与人万博maxbetx官网登陆格科学in 2015 found that on average, happy couples hadsex once a week.

You Have the Same Argument Over and Over (and Over)

Arguments happen in every marriage, evenhealthy ones. In fact, research suggests that couples who argue effectively are 10 times more likely to have a happy relationship than those who sweep difficult issues under the rug.

But if your time together is plagued by endless reruns of the same argument and there is no resolution, chances are there's a major disconnect between the two of you. Before too long you’ll start avoiding each other for fear of sparking another argument.


As opposed to the previous point, a lack of arguing can also signal a huge problem. It might seem like a relief if your high-conflict relationship suddenly turns into a no-conflict relationship. But if the healthy arguments have stopped, it could be a sign that one or both of you has given up.



Another red flag: You realize that you would rather spend time with anyone but your partner. Spending time apart is healthy for your relationship. But if you’re constantly making excuses to spend all of your free time away from your partner, you’ve already begun the break-up process.


It’s completely normal to want to keep some things to yourself. However, deliberately keeping secrets—say, you had dinner alone with a co-worker who finds you attractive, casually hung out with an ex, or买了昂贵的鞋子you said you wouldn’t— is a clear warning sign that your relationship may be in trouble.

Keeping secrets only plants seeds of distrust in a relationship. Once that trust is broken, it is hard to repair.

You Think About Having an Affair


What’s not ok? Fantasizing about being with that person. If your thoughts are constantly consumed by someone you find attractive other than your partner, then you’re clearly在你现在的关系中遗漏了一些东西.

They're Not The First Person You Call



Don't Wait to Seek Help

如果你觉得婚姻中的问题无法解决,是时候寻求专业人士的帮助了。也就是说,从marriage counseling, don't wait until your marriage is beyond repair.

Amarriage therapistcan be an ally to your marriage. Rather than taking sides, they will help you and your partner gain perspective and develop the communication skills needed to change the patterns that have kept you stuck. With their help, you and your partner can identify and change unhealthy patterns and rediscover the love you once felt toward each other.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process了解更多有关如何检查事实并保持内容准确、可靠和值得信赖的信息。
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