饼干罐底部的钱可能不会摧毁你的婚姻。但意识到你的配偶在经济上欺骗你的婚姻结束的开始。在已经陷入困境的婚姻中,金融不忠可能是让您决定的原因call it quits。
中的一个common warning signs or red flags在婚姻中躺在金钱上。虽然one in three Americans承认给他们的配偶撒谎,这个问题太重要了,无法避免。小于财务的谎言可能导致婚姻中更加破坏性的行为。
According to a survey described in a 2011 article,Is Your Partner Cheating on You Financially? 31% Admit Money Deception由Jenna Goudreau ......“超过一半的财务骗子承认隐藏现金(58%)或轻微的购买(54%)。
“基于波士顿的家庭治疗师Carleton Kendrick一直在咨询夫妻30多年,并表示欺骗在过去十年中成为一个巨大的问题。Kendrick表示,人们撒谎给他们的合作伙伴的主要原因是务实,控制,内疚和和恐惧。务实的谎言可能导致计划最终分裂,而不是想要另一个了解多少钱。
- 控制行为:您的配偶处理支付账单的所有责任,不希望您对家庭财务所了解任何内容。
- Defensiveness:当你想和你的配偶交谈时,他或她变成防守或拒绝讨论财务状况。
- Distrust: You don't trust your spouse.
- Financial arguments: The two of you argue about money more often.
- 历史: 你的配偶has lied to you before about money.
- 直觉: You just have a gut feeling that your spouse is hiding something from you concerning your finances.
- Lying: 你的配偶谎言对其他人有关支出或收入。
- 复仇:你们中的一个或两个开始复仇的消费。
- 秘密: You discover secret bank accounts or secret debts.
- 突然变化: 你的配偶's spending habits change suddenly.
What to Do About Financial Infidelity in Your Marriage
Here are some ways to work on fixing this issue with your spouse.
Create an Open Dialogue
不要把你的头埋在沙子里。是时候有一个困难和serious talk关于你的配偶的财务状况。告诉你的配偶有关任何事情情怀你有关于撒谎或欺骗你的财务状况。您的疑虑,内疚,愤怒,恐慌,被背叛,尴尬,无助等的感觉您需要被配偶听到。
Have a weekly discussion about the state of your finances. It doesn't have to be long, but make time to check on your accounts together and talk about upcoming bills, issues, goals, hopes, etc.
Be realistic about what can and can't be done to salvage your financial situation. Set up separate checking accounts along with a joint account. Decide together how much you can each deposit in the personal accounts and a joint account. It is important that you both agree that those funds are yours individually to do with what you want.
如果这些建议没有帮助,请寻求财务和/或婚姻咨询。Lying, hiding or being secretive about money is a big marriage "no-no." If there is a problem in regard to this, it is time to fix it with respect and integrity.
文章更新Marni Feuerman