
Woman relaxing at reiki session.

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“reiki”这个词源自日语单词“Rei”(普遍)和“ki”(Life Energy)。据称,这种普遍能源或ki.has healing effects.




There are a number of different types of techniques that are used as part of Reiki. These include:

  • Beaming
  • 定心
  • 清除ing
  • 聚焦
  • infusing.
  • 平滑


Before beginning reiki, you will typically meet with your practitioner to talk about what you hope to accomplish. You will talk about any specific symptoms you might be experiencing as well as any areas you would like to focus on or avoid.

  • A reiki session usually takes between 20 and 90 minutes.
  • During your session, you will sit in a chair or lie on a table while fully clothed.
  • 您的会话发生的环境应宁静和放松。
  • 如果它有助于您觉得更舒适,可能会在您的会话期间播放音乐。
  • 然后,为每个地点施加他们身体的不同区域的手左右。



While Reiki practitioners have made a number of claims about the health benefits of the practice, there is a lack of good empirical research supporting its use. Some critics have gone so far as to suggest that the practice is a pseudoscientific fraud.

Some of the purported effects of Reiki include:

  • 提振情绪
  • 减少疲劳
  • 降低压力
  • Reducing tension, headaches, and nausea
  • Reliving pain
  • Relieving symptoms of depression and anxiety

The problem is that much of the available evidence is limited. Of the few studies that have been carried out, many have not been peer-reviewed, do not include a control group, and rely on small sample sizes.

One 2015 systematic review concluded that there was not enough evidence to say whether Reiki was useful for relieving沮丧anxiety

A 2017 systematic review published in the基于证据的互补和替代医学杂志did find that there was sufficient evidence to suggest that Reiki was more effective than a placebo.由于实践既安全又温柔,则该研究的作者表明它具有在各种慢性健康状况管理方面使用的潜力。

Will Reiki Help?

We do know that spirituality means a lot to many people who are sick. Patient spirituality and support improve health outcomes including cardiovascular outcomes.

Furthermore, the healing power of touch is an empathetic and personal interaction with numerous tangible health benefits. Specifically, a growing amount of research onosteopathic manipulation treatment链接触摸愈合。

Mechanistically, it makes sense that Reiki and many other types of touch therapy could mediate the release of neurotransmitters like reward-processing dopamine and oxytocin.


最终,如果你相信Reiki工作,而且你想要并可能够让Reiki(或任何其他安全的补充替代医学实践)成为你生命的一部分,那么你应该。即使是这种干预的怀疑论者也会拒绝难以否认,最重要的是雷基斯赋予了placebo effect在那些相信的人。


If you are thinking of trying Reiki, there are some important points to remember:

  • Reiki通常被认为是一种安全的实践,与任何重大风险无关。
  • Remember that Reiki is not intended to cure diseases or health conditions, so manage your expectations for what you can accomplish.
  • Focus on seeing the practice as something that might help you feel better when you are coping with a physical illness or mental health condition.
  • Reiki应该用作更加传统的医疗或心理治疗的补充疗法 - 不是那些治疗的替代品。


While Reiki is generally considered safe and largely harmless, there are some potential concerns associated with the practice.

  • 安全:与Reiki相关的风险最大的风险是有些人可以使用它来取代已知对健康状况有效的必要的医疗治疗。
  • Effectiveness:一些评论家表明这种做法纯粹是伪科学的。
  • 缺乏调节:没有监管或中央权威,决定谁可以称为灵气从业者,这意味着在提供Reiki的人的培训和经验方面存在相当多的不一致。



History of Reiki

The practice of Reiki was first developed by Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922. Since then, it has been adapted and utilized in different countries and cultures throughout the world. While often used as a complementary treatment, it has also been used as a way ofexploring spiritualityas well.


根据2007年国家卫生调查,38%的美国人从事思维医学,能源医学,按摩, naturopathic medicine, and countless other forms of complementary alternative medicine.

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process要了解有关我们如何检查的更多信息,请保持内容准确,可靠和值得信赖。
  1. Joyce J,Herbison GP。reiki.for depression and anxietyCochrane数据库SYST REV。2015;(4):CD006833。DOI:10.1002 / 14651858.CD006833.PUB2

  2. 麦克马谟DE。Reiki比安慰剂更好,并且具有宽松的健康治疗潜力J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med。2017; 22(4):1051-1057。DOI:10.1177 / 2156587217728644

  • Jonas WB,Guerrera MP。互补和替代医学。在:南保罗·杰斯,Matheny Sc,Lewis El。eds。CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Family Medicine, 4e.纽约,纽约:麦格劳山;2015年。

  • Krucoff MW,Costello RB,Mark D,Vogel JK。第115章。心血管护理的互补和替代医学治疗。在:Fuster V,Walsh Ra,Harrington Ra。eds。Hurst's The Heart,13e纽约,纽约:麦格劳山;2011年。

  • Lee Ms,Pittler MH,Ernst E.Reiki在临床实践中的影响:对随机临床试验的系统综述int J Clin实践。2008; 62(6):947-954。DOI:10.1111 / J.1742-1241.2008.01729.x