与压力相关的疾病是非常普遍的,因为误解是由于压力导致的身体症状不严重,或不是“真实”的问题。心身疾病起源于emotional stressor damaging thought patterns but has physical symptoms that are real and can harm you as much as symptoms that originate from other means. In fact, it's been estimated that over 90 percent of doctor visits are due to健康问题至少部分受到压力, so psychosomatic illness is more common than people realize.
Medically Unexplained Symptoms Due to Stress
When you are under stress, you may experience physical symptoms. These can include aches, pains, muscle spasms, and headaches, possibly from unconsciously tensing your muscles for extended periods. Your nervous system is on edge from the fight-or-flight adrenaline and cortisol responses to stress. This affects your blood pressure, heart rate, digestion, and glucose levels. You can have stomach and bowel symptoms.
你应该得到心理治疗吗?一种审查of studiesfound that认知行为治疗(CBT) had a moderate effect on symptoms that was superior to control groups that either received treatment as usual or enhanced usual care, or remained on a waiting list. But the studies had several weaknesses, including publication bias.
一个以前的审查of a variety of psychological therapies also found that CBT was the most studied and had enough evidence to draw a conclusion that it may result in a small reduction in symptom severity compared to standard care or the waiting list. However, taking the step of seeing a psychologist is a big one for many people, let alone the cost of therapy.
Self-help appears to be effective for reducing medically unexplained symptoms and improving quality of life. A审查of studies found that self-help lowered symptom severity与通常的护理或在等待名单上相比,似乎保持了对随访的影响。这些研究对于方法也薄弱。
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- 选择和保持健康的习惯with a five-step plan.