

Young woman sitting on sofa, looking at distressed man at table

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Combating Problematic Dependency


For instance, if you find yourself becoming angry or suspicious in these relationships, first remind yourself that this may be fueled by your anxiety. Then, take a few moments to think about any hard data (facts) that support your worry to try and regain some perspective.



On the other end of the spectrum, some people with GAD become avoidant of relationships as a way of dealing with their anxiety. They may avoid negative emotions (for example, disappointment or frustration) by not revealing their feelings, opening up, or being vulnerable.

一个人是avoidant of close relationships may be experienced as cold, emotionally unavailable, lacking empathy, or even stand-offish, even though they may long for closeness.


Treating Anxiety and Relationship Problems


On the flip side, this strategy may backfire for people who are more dependent on others and emotionally reactive. It's important to note that medication is also often an essential part of treatment for people with GAD.

虽然为焦虑规定的药物,如选择性serotonin reuptake inhibitors or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, are not curative, they can help decrease your symptoms and help you feel better as you rework your anxious thoughts and behaviors with your therapist.

如果您或亲人正在努力与广泛的焦虑症斗争,请联系Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline1-800-662-4357for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our国家助理数据库


While anxiety can be healthy (it can motivate people and/or help them sense danger within their environment), for people with GAD, their anxiety is overwhelming and debilitating, which can be extremely detrimental to relationships.

But rest assured, with proper treatment, you can develop healthy, long-lasting, and fulfilling connections with others.

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