How to Create an ADHD-Friendly Home and Classroom

富有同情心的眼基础/ Martin Barraud / Taxi / Getty Images




当adhd的孩子变得无聊时,出现了麻烦。他们必须越长,例如,或者他们必须等待轮到越长,他们需要的刺激就越多。除了这种需要刺激,children with ADHD也有需要感受学者和社会的能力。他们往往与涉及一些竞争的活动做得好,这使他人能够看到他们正在做出赚取的奖励,徽章,领导机会或其他成就象征。


adhd的儿童也从此受益匪浅social connectionsand relatedness to others. Social interactions are often their most important source of stimulation. If you are a teacher, your warm support and personal attention to these students are vital.

adhd的孩子也喜欢产生情绪反应in others. They may be drawn to the children at school who cause more trouble and they often look for or try to provoke an emotional reaction in order to feel more stimulation. Because a loud or angry response from an adult or peer tends to be reinforcing for many children with ADHD, when you must convey disapproval or reprimand a child with ADHD, a nonemotional, calm, and matter of fact response is best.


Dr. Zentall has developed a checklist for parents and teachers to utilize in order tohelp children与ADHD适当地满足他们对刺激和能力的需求。

Goal 1- 需要刺激(运动和选择)

  • 中心和座位之间的运动
  • 活动休息
  • Active response tasks
  • Choice of tasks and reporting methods
  • Choice of jobs and responsibilities
  • Choice of learning groups

Goal 2- 需要能力

A. Academic Competence
1. Tasks

  • Reduced length (chapters)
  • Self-paced
  • Interests used in instruction
  • 颜色(覆盖,标记,纸)
  • 使用的相关颜色
  • 计算机提供
  • 教导如何在视觉上计划
  • 制作全球积分和轮廓


  • 有趣的中心
  • 在教学中使用游戏
  • 动物存在
  • Music available
  • 清单,提示卡使用
  • 延迟时间的活动或玩具


  • 积极3倍而不是否定
  • 激烈,情感奖励
  • 私人,坚定,软训斥
  • 表现出个人兴趣
  • 与规则的同行活动
  • Cooperation is taught and rewarded


Goal 1- 需要刺激(运动和选择)

  • Available paths to run, trampolines, pools
  • 积极的责任“有用”
  • 可用的全家ly activities (picnics, biking)
  • 选择家庭作业环境和任务订单
  • Choice of jobs and responsibilities
  • 家庭作业活动的选择休息

Goal 2- 需要能力

A. Academic Competence
1. Tasks

  • Flexible play materials (Legos, paints)
  • Support for pretend play, journaling
  • 书选择孩子的兴趣
  • 与兴趣有关的家庭对话
  • Support for collections/hobbies
  • 计算机提供
  • 教导如何在视觉上计划
  • Reduce verbalizations to the child


  • Interesting homework settings
  • 在获得任务/工作方面使用游戏完成
  • 宠物存在
  • Music available during homework
  • 清单,提示卡使用
  • 延迟时间的活动或玩具
  • 3倍的积极陈述而不是否定
  • 激烈,情感奖励
  • 私人,坚定,柔软,不透气谴责
  • 表现出对孩子和孩子的朋友的个人兴趣
  • 与规则的朋友活动
  • 严格合理的规则和方式得到奖励
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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Sydney S. Zental, Ph.D. “Friendly Class and Home Settings to Support Children with ADHD.” Closing Keynote 21st Annual International CHADD Conference on AD/HD. Cleveland, Ohio. October 10, 2009.
  • 悉尼Zentall,Ph.D.,友好的设置和任务@学校(F SAT-S)@ Home(F Sat-H)。普渡大学。教育研究系。2009年。
  • 悉尼Zentall,博士。电子邮件通信。2009年10月20日。