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Why Do People With ADHD Have Low Self-Esteem?


For example, they may experience academic underachievement, problems in the workplace, or social problems such as making and keeping friends andromantic relationships。These disappointing experiences and failures impact their self-esteem.

Tips for Increasing Your Self-Esteem When You Have ADHD


Believe in Yourself


Research has found that people with ADHD can be highly resilient and may be able to adapt constantly, so no matter what your history is, change is possible.

Focus on Your Strengths


Spending time noticing these things is a fast track to improving your self-esteem. Rather than trying to get good at tasks that are hard for you, spend the majority of your time doing things you are good at. Apply this rule to all areas of your life – work, home, hobbies, etc.

Develop Your Skills

In addition to focusing on your strengths, there are some basic skills you need to succeed in life and feel good about yourself. These skills might not come naturally to you because of how your ADHD brain works. However, it is possible to get good at them with time.


  • 时间经理:Arriving on time makes you feel reliable.
  • 金钱经理:超支或忘记支付您的抵押贷款以自尊心闲置。
  • Meal Planner当你饿或吃垃圾食物时,我很难感受到你最好的。
  • 管家:一个充满杂乱和时髦的气味的肮脏的家侵蚀了你的自尊心。


Give Yourself Positive Feedback



Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

作为一个孩子,你可能已经比较的习惯aring yourself to others. Your siblings, friends, and classmates probably could do things you found hard, like pay attention in class or sit still. When you measure yourself unfavorably with others, it lowers your self-esteem, as we rarely make comparisons where we fare better.

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Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. 库克J,Knight E,Hume I,Qureshi A.诊断出关注缺陷/多动障碍(ADHD)的成人自尊:对文献的系统审查Atten Defic Hyperact Disord。2014;6(4):249-68. doi:10.1007/s12402-014-0133-2

  2. Dvorsky Mr,Langberg JM。促进青少年恢复能力的因素综述,症状和ADHD症状Clin Child Fam Psityol Rev。2016; 19(4):368-391。DOI:10.1007 / S10567-016-0216-Z

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