In general, young children tend to be active, rambunctious, and impulsive. They often play loudly and love to climb and run. They squirm and fidget and would much rather be up and out, exploring the world around them. It is not unusual for kids to have trouble listening, remembering, and following directions.
Parents all over the world feel frustration at one time or another about the need to remind their child to do something and the child simply forgetting or getting distracted by another, more interesting activity. Many kids are also careless, lose things, and have difficulty waiting their turn. This is all a normal part of being a child.
For a child with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), however, normal childhood behaviors and challenges are tremendously amplified. Thesymptoms of ADHDare pervasive, chronic, and disruptive and cause significant problems for the child at school, home, and withfriends。症状必须至少六个月到一个破坏性和不适合儿童发展水平的点。换句话说,损伤远远大于同龄其他孩子。
Children with ADHDcan become frustrated and overwhelmed very easily, have trouble regulating their emotions, and struggle withexecutive functionissues. They may, for example, have great difficulty planning, prioritizing, paying attention and remembering details. They also tend to be less mature developmentally. Some children with ADHD are very charismatic, personable, and popular. For many others, however, behavior problems result in rejection, isolation, and plunging self-esteem.
What It's Like for a Child With ADHD
It can be toughliving with ADHD。For the child, there can be a spectrum of feelings. Just a few may include a sense of frustration, a feeling of being lost and disconnected or confused, or a feeling of being overcharged, restless, and out of control.
So often children with ADHD run up against negative labels that are inaccurate and they may begin to feel like “the bad kid” or “lazy” or “dumb” when this is not true at all
The Importance of Understanding ADHD
了解更多关于ADHD以及如何单独影响孩子,可以赋予该孩子。有助于这些孩子了解what ADHD is, and它不是什么。With understanding comes the ability to work with parents and teachers to develop coping strategies.