1. Structure Your Child's Day
The上学日provides your child with a regular routine that is fairly predictable in terms of the daily schedule. But when school is out for the summer your child's day may be wide open unless you create a new routine. Kids with ADHD benefit from the external structure that a routine provides. When their environment is organized, predictable and supportive, they have an easier time managing symptoms and regulating their behaviors.
When developing the summer schedule, start by setting consistent wake-up times, snack/meal times and bedtimes for your children. Fill the schedule with fun and interesting activities. Children with ADHD can get bored very easily, and boredom is often a gateway to trouble as he or she tries to create some stimulation — or mischief. Keep in mind, however, that all children need downtime, too, so plan those times each day as well.
When you are creating the summer schedule tailor it to your child's interests and needs. Try to plan activities in which your child gets sometimes forinteracting with peers. Make sure all your kids get outside (with sunscreen) to play and engage in lots of physical activity. If your child can swim, the pool is a great outlet forexercise在夏天。确保您的孩子参与活动的规划。拿出一个大日历,一起填写时间表。在日历上写下夏天的时间表,并将其发布在您家中的一个易于看见的位置,所以你们两个都可以看到每天都会带来什么。
2. Plan Academic Activities to Avoid the "Summer Slide"
当开发你孩子的夏天的根据dule, be sure to include times for academic learning opportunities and practice. It is so easy to go through the summer and forget about school, but children will lose academic growth — particularly in math and reading skills — over the summer (known as the "summer slide") if they do not engage in educational activities. What makes this doubly important for kids with ADHD is that many of them also have accompanying learning disabilities. They can quickly lose academic gains without practice and repetition.
Because the rest of the year can be so busy with school,homework, sports or other after-school activities, many families find that summer is a good time to schedule formal academic tutoring lessons to help with specific learning issues.
Be sure to make the educational time fun! Build in reward systems to help keep your child motivated. Schedule this time during the morning or whenever your child is freshest and most focused. Use this time to help bolster your child's academic skills and self-confidence.
您可能会发现让您的孩子参与夏令营计划,有助于构建他或她的一天,为乐趣,社交,学习和成功提供额外的机会。在思考夏令营时,请牢记您孩子的需求。有很多夏令营和治疗计划designed specifically for children with ADHD. If your child experiences marked problems in social interactions with peers, or if he or she is very impulsive and needs a good behavior management system, one of these specialty camps may be a good fit.
If your child is on药物为了帮助管理ADHD的症状,通常会有关于夏季的休息时间的问题。答案应该是孩子独有的。
ADHD是一种普遍存在的疾病,不会在夏天消失。大多数儿童继续在关注和精神焦点,自我控制,工作记忆,组织,时间管理,解决方案和监管中体验挑战性障碍 - 情绪的解决和监管 - 是否学校在会议中。
另一方面,ADHD倾向于影响孩子生命的各个方面 - 与他人相处;通过任务之后;能够在反应前通过情况停止并思考;保持自我控制和抑制行为的能力;“阅读”社交情况;随身携带方向;延迟满足,只是以生产力和积极的方式度过一天。
如果您在夏季旅行,或者您的孩子正在参加营地或参与要求他或她保持焦点的活动,控制他或她的身体,管理过渡,挫折和情绪,并与同龄人相关联你的孩子正在用药,帮助他或她做到这一点 - 那么药物休息可能不会在夏天享受他或她最好的兴趣。如果这些领域在学年期间为您的孩子挑战,他们将继续在夏季创造同样的挑战。
与您的孩子的医生一起致力于解决夏季药物决策的最佳方法。如果有side effectsthat you are worried about, and you have been hesitant to make those changes during the school year, communicate and plan with the doctor. The summer might be a good time to make those tweaks, adjustments or even medication changes as long as you can carefully monitor the situation to determine the effectiveness of treatment approaches.