你的孩子如何学到最好?你孩子是什么?learning style?
rory stern,psyd,治疗师和adhd教练,他们专注于合作children with ADHD及其家人解释说有三种主要的学习风格(虽然有许多其他人)。这些是:
- Visual
- aud
- Kinesthetic
Why Different Styles Are Important
确定学习风格可以产生很大的差异your child’s school success. The trick is getting a handle on what learning style or a combination of learning styles work best for your child.
视觉学习者通过观察学习,灭菌博士解释道n. “In school, your child will do best from seeing examples and having an opportunity to watch.” These children respond well to colorful pictures and illustrations of the learning material, written lessons on the board or overhead projector, outlines, diagrams, charts, maps and educational videos—all things they can see to absorb the information. They also tend to cue in well to a teacher’s facial expressions.
“These children learn and retain information when they have an opportunity to hear it,” says Dr. Stern. Auditory learners cue in to voice tone, speed, volume, and inflection, as well as body language, and learn best by hearing class lectures and participating in and listening to class discussions.
“These children are often the ones labeled as having ADHD,” says Dr. Stern. “Why? Akinesthetic.学习者似乎将被诱惑,有时高度活跃。“
These students love to be wholly physically absorbed in the learning activity, actively exploring and moving around. They may have trouble sitting for long periods of time, becoming bored and distracted when they are not “doing.” Hands-on, tactile teaching approaches in which a child is allowed movement work best for kinesthetic learners. Science labs and experiments, involved unit studies, field trips, crafts, skits, model building—all help a kinesthetic learner absorb new information.
斯特恩博士解释说,在读书时抱着工作 - 愚蠢的腻子,拿着这本书(而不是将它拿到桌子上,有时候会在他或她的手中抓住某些东西,以诱骗他或她的手中的东西。(而不是将它放在桌子上) -任何触觉都很糟糕。
Teaching to a child’s strengths and favored learning style or a combination of learning styles is always more productive than a one-size-fits-all approach.