Manage Your Symptoms Through Expressive Writing



For people with psychological problems likeborderline personality disorder (BPA), various types of expressive writing have been shown to have a positive impact. People have used journaling as a means of expressing their feelings and healing for centuries. If you are struggling with a mental illness, expressive writing may be a useful addition to your therapy.


Expressive writingis hard to define because it is essentially anything you want it to be. There are no complicated rules or elaborate style guidelines. It is simply the act of writing about your personal experiences in order to better recognize and understand your own perceptions, feelings, and responses.


There is evidence that expressive writing is helpful whether or not you share that writing with someone else, so if you want to keep it private that is perfectly fine.

Why Is It Helpful?


Expressive writing may also help you express pent up emotions about things that have happened. For those with borderline personality disorder, this can be a useful way to manage intense feelings and curb harmful impulses.


What Should I Write About?

You can write about anything you want. Usually, people choose to write about events that are of personal importance. They are often events that are at least mildly emotional or are personally relevant for any number of reasons.


主题并不像howyou write about it. Expressive writing is probably most helpful when you write about a topic in depth.

This means that rather than writing about the superficial or surface qualities of an event, you really delve into the emotional aspects of the event.

For example, ask yourself:

  • How were you feeling at different points in the event?
  • What were you thinking?
  • 什么生理感觉哟u have?
  • How did this event impact how you see yourself, other people, the world, or your future
  • What does this event now mean about you?

A Word From Verywell

If you’ve never tried expressive writing before, it may feel a little strange or awkward at first. It is definitely a skill that requires a bit of practice before it begins to feel comfortable. Before you start, it may help to check out some examples from others.

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