Chest Pain From Heart Problems and Panic Disorder

anxious appearing man holding his chest in pain照片©Daisy-Daisy

About 40 percent of people withpanic disorder体验胸部的疼痛。精神障碍诊断和统计手册中列出了胸痛症状,DSM-5under the symptoms associated with apanic attack。无论您是否具有恐慌障碍,胸部区域的疼痛都会发出警报。第一个思想,是理所当然的,是你正在经历一种可能的心脏病攻击或其他心脏事件。这种可能性向最近的急诊室派遣很多人寻求帮助。但是,通常与恐慌症相关的胸痛症状与心脏无关,并且通常被认为是严重的。



The following provides a general overview of what is usually considered the characteristics of typical chest pain indicative of heart trouble and atypical chest pain often associated with panic disorder. It is not intended to serve as a tool for self-diagnosis. All chest pain should be evaluated by a physician for proper diagnosis. Keep this in mind even if you've had a panic disorder related chest pain in the past. People with panic disorder may have heart disease just as those who do not have panic disorder, and, as noted later on, may be even more likely to develop heart disease

Typical Chest Pain Associated With Heart Problems


  • Escalating chest pain reaching maximum severity after a few minutes
  • 恒定疼痛,压力或疼痛
  • 疼痛在胸部区域(胸骨下面)或左胸部区域
  • Pain that travels or radiates from the chest to other areas, such as one or both arms, the shoulders or the jaw
  • Pain that is brought on by exertion (although unstable angina may bring about pain without exertion)

Atypical Chest Pain Associated With Panic Disorder

"Atypical" chest pain may include:

  • Sharp or stabbing chest pain (note that sharp or stabbing chest pain can also be a symptom of serious conditions such as pulmonary embolism)
  • Chest pain that is fleeting
  • Pain that is localized to a small area
  • 没有劳累发生的疼痛
  • Chest Pain that accompanies anxiety or a panic attack
  • Pain that is relieved or worsened when you change positions
  • Pain that can be reproduced or worsened by pressing over the area of pain

Mitral Valve Prolapse and Panic Disorder

Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is a fairly common disorder, affecting approximately four to five percent of the general adult population. Basically, MVP involves an abnormal heart valve that “prolapses” or flops backward, allowing blood to leak back through the valve opening. Many people with MVP have no symptoms. Some may have complaints of fatigue, heart palpitations, chest pain, anxiety, and偏头痛头痛。For the majority of people, MVP causes no lasting negative effects and does not interfere with any life functions.



There have been several studies that have attempted to show a correlation between anxiety disorders and heart disease. A recent study by the Women’s Health Initiative of postmenopausal women suggested that those who reported a full-blown panic attack within six months of being interviewed had a three-fold risk of having a heart attack, heart-related death or stroke over the next five years. This study also found that those who reported panic attacks were nearly twice as likely to die from any cause in the five years following the study.

但是,这项研究中,像其他附着物empted to show a correlation between panic disorder and heart disease, has not provided the final answer. The participants of this study answered two screening questions about experiencing a "sudden attack of feeling frightened, anxious, or extremely uncomfortable" and "sudden episode of rapid or irregular heartbeats." This led to interviewers asking these participants questions about twelvepanic attack symptoms在过去的六个月内。


充其量是难以证明心脏病与恐慌发作之间的相关性。统计上,恐慌症的人有更高的吸烟发病,alcohol use, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood pressure, and increased cholesterol. These are known risk factors for heart disease. Whether or not you have panic disorder, most professionals will agree: Reduce your known risk factors and reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Bottom Line



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