New technology in the form of applications (AKA “apps”) offers potential risksandbenefits for patients with eating disorders.
Dangers of Fitness Trackers for Patients With Eating Disorders
Although the impact of fitness trackers on clients with eating disorders has not yet been well studied, anecdotal evidence and some early research suggest these applications may be detrimental. People with restrictive eating disorders frequently obsess about the number of calories they are consuming and burning. Many health apps emphasize tracking the ingestion and expenditure of calories.
In addition, they encourage the user to reduce intake, increase energy expenditure and set increasingly extreme goals, all behaviors that are consistent with eating disorders. In one study of people with eating disorders, 75% of participants reported using My Fitness Pal, a calorie-counting mobile app that allows users to track and input their daily food intake. Of these users, 73% believed the app had contributed to their eating disorder.
Eating Disorder Recovery Apps
另一方面,还有几种食用障碍恢复应用程序可能对饮食失调的人有所帮助。其中一些应用程序体现或支持基于证据的治疗原则,例如Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)。一些应用程序提供的一个特别重要的功能是self-monitoring那which is also a hallmark of CBT for many mental disorders. In the treatment of eating disorders, self-monitoring involves recording food consumed along with accompanying thoughts and feelings. App-based self-monitoring offers several advantages over paper monitoring.
As most individuals keep their smartphones with them much of the time, using eating disorder recovery apps may facilitate more real-time monitoring, providing both greater convenience and accuracy.
While fitness apps and eating disorder recovery self-monitoring apps both incorporate tracking, each differs in focus. Fitness apps primarily track numbers and data, such as caloric intake. Eating disorder recovery apps, on the other hand, are concerned more with tracking the thoughts and feelings associated with eating than with the specific amounts. This distinction is significant.
Recovery Record
发现了2014年的研究和同事Recovery Record最全面的饮食失调治疗ment app on the market. It contains features including self-monitoring, personalized coping strategies, social connections, and a portal to connect with the user’s clinician. It also contains components of cognitive-behavioral based interventions.
Users can enter food, thoughts, feelings, and urges to use补偿行为。The app offers assistance with应对策略and goal setting in addition to the ability to set reminders. Additional features includemeal planning,奖励,肯定以及与他人联系的可能性。该应用程序还允许治疗师监控其患者的应用程序。虽然很多患者发现这一特征是一个额外的好处,但有些患者可能会觉得它是侵入性的。
升起& Recover
What to Look for in an Eating Disorder Recovery App
- 没有卡路里计数的食物摄入自我监测。Self-monitoring is a well-researched and important element of eating disorder treatment. Calorie-counting, however, is not recommended because it may increase obsessive thinking.
- Fields to log behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.恢复涉及更加了解感受和思想以及不断变化的行为。因此,用于恢复的应用程序应该有用于记录此信息的字段。
- Motivation and/or coping strategies.包含方法来提醒您您可能想要尝试或已经知道的方法的应用程序(但是目前可能需要提醒)可以支持。