


习惯是健康生活方式的宝贵部分,因为当他们变得自动时,日常行为良好地被锁定。然而(虽然我们可能并不总是喜欢承认)我们都有不良习惯,其习惯可以是不方便的(咬你的指甲),以严重长寿威胁(吸烟)。那么你怎么样break a bad habit

According to the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), there's no single answer that will work for everyone, but just becoming aware of your negative behaviors is an important first step. Since habits develop with repetition, understanding the pattern that supports a bad habit can then help you short-circuit the loop.

As New York Times investigative reporter Charles Duhigg outlines in his authoritative book习惯的力量,所有不良行为都分享了这些基本特征:

  • An external cue or trigger
  • A routine which ensues
  • 一个固有的奖励行为



但是,正如Duhigg写道,即使是负行为也提供了某种奖励。也许这是焦虑的缓解,因为它可能是吸烟的情况;也许你渴望社交联系,并在酒吧喝太多饮料在工作中的压力日。Unless you try and dissect the powerful components of this loop, you are doomed to repeat the bad habit.


Steps to Breaking a Bad Habit


Find the Cue

He suggests writing down at least five events that occur the moment the urge for the automatic behavior hits, to reveal the cue. Ask yourself who else is on the scene, what time of day it is, or what happened immediately prior? After a few days, the cue should become evident.


这可能更困难,写Duhigg,并且可能需要一些实验。尝试改变例程以获得不同的奖励(是新鲜空气?分散注意力?能量提升?)。无论如何都要好奇,打开你发现什么 - 他建议在常规包装时写下你的印象或情绪 - 经过几次尝试,可能会揭示奖励。



于2011年发表Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,研究的结论是,破坏自动消费模式使受试者在“故意控制”下的饮食。换句话说,无意识的饮食习惯停止了,主题变得更加了解他们在做什么。


All this information should help you devise a plan to break a bad habit, and perhaps substitute a healthier or more positive behavior in place of the negative one. If it's social contact you desire, plan a walk with a friend instead of drinks at the end of your work shift; if it's a calm moment in a frantic day, consider a mini-冥想session to refocus.

Article Sources
万博手机官网Masewell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,以支持我们的文章中的事实。读我们社论过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  • Habits。美国国家医学图书馆消费者健康信息学研究资源(CHIRR)信息表。

  • 打破Bad Habits。美国国家卫生学院公共信息表。

  • 查尔斯杜希格。习惯的力量:为什么我们做我们在生活和业务中所做的事情。随机房子。2012年。

  • David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, Mengju Wu and David Kurlander. "The Pull of the Past: When Do Habits Persist Despite Conflict With Motives?"Pers Soc Psychol Bull2011 37: 1428.