If you’re lacking in the motivation department (as many of us are!) and need a serious boost of inspiration, why not try listening to a podcast? These podcasts cover a range of topics from health and happiness, to productivity, forming new habits, and financial success.
To get a better idea of why these are considered the best motivational podcasts out there, grab a set of headphones or turn up the volume in your car, and get ready to conquer the day.
Personal Growth
It comes as no surprise that the topic of personal growth tops the list of best motivational podcasts. Striving to become your best self takes time, practice, perseverance, and a whole lot of patience. And what better way to gain inspiration, then to tune in to one of these podcasts.
The Science of Success
Science meets psychology in this weekly podcast hosted by Matt Bodnar. Guests onThe Science of Successrange from neuropsychologists and entrepreneurs to FBI hostage negotiators and mindfulness gurus.
The goal of the show is to get you thinking about your potential for success and learn ways to become a better version of yourself.
The School of Greatness
Whether you’re in a growth slump or just need an extra boost of confidence and inspiration to scale-up your life, Lewis Howes, host ofThe School of Greatness,会给你你需要的一切,然后是一些。
填满你的早晨通勤inspirat的花絮ion, information, and motivation about how to take better care of your health with these podcasts. Get answers to some of your most burning questions all in the time it takes you to get from home to the office.
TED Talks Health
If you have questions about your health,TED Talks Health有答案。每一集都会充满来自医生和研究人员的信息,真正广泛的主题。无论您是对睡眠,药物,呕吐还是口臭的好奇,这个播客对每个人都有一些东西。
Optimal Health Daily
Sometimes all we need is a quick summary of the most pressing health topics to motivate us to take better care of ourselves. With theOptimal Health Dailypodcast, you get a daily dose of information about everything from dieting and pesticides to activated charcoal, supplements, and exercise.
Wishing for more happiness is something most of us are familiar with, but it’s the actions you take that determine how much joy you will have in life. These podcasts will give you a glimpse into the lives of other people and how they are choosing happiness every single day.
The Happier Podcast
If you’ve ever wanted to create more happiness in your life, thenThe Happier Podcast是给你的。Host,Gretchen Rubin,检查日常习惯以及他们在生活的整体品质中发挥的作用。
From work and friendships to productivity and creativity, Rubin uses humor and human nature to deliver simple tips that can help you live a happier life.
通过面试充满思想挑衅性问题,主持人Jonathan Fields要求客人分享一些对他们生活的事情,以及他们将这些经历转化为强大的希望和幸福的信息。
Staying the course is a whole lot easier when you have someone guiding you along the way. Find the motivation you need to stick to your workout routine with one of these fitness podcasts.
Runners of all levels will enjoy listening to阿里在奔跑. Each week Ali Feller gives subscribers a healthy dose of motivation through her words of wisdom about working hard, running hard, and doing whatever it takes to break a physical and mental sweat. Feller interviews guests about everything from marathon training and yoga to mental health and wellness.
如果击中健身房是你的“转到”,当压力水平上升时,艾米莉亚巴的健身播客,Hurdle, 是给你的。恰当地命名,亚军特征在生活中面临障碍或挑战的人,比如我们都这样做,但焦点是如何将健康整合到他们的惯例中作为压力和焦虑的出口。
家Cleanliness and Organization
A Slob Comes Clean
Regardless of how messy your house is, you’ll always feel right at home with Dana K White. With an extra-large dose of humor and some excellent, down-to-earth tips and tricks,A Slob Comes Cleanwill motivate you to tidy and scrub every inch of your house, or at least the parts of your house that people see.
Clutter Free Academy
想象much time you would have if you had a decluttering expert available to you 24/7. With Kathi Lipp’s杂乱免费学院,you’ll learn how to clean up your house and your life, and still have time to do the things you love. Tune in once a week to get tips and advice to help you start your clutter-free journey.
Let’s face it: Our days and nights are packed full of to-do lists, tasks, and everything else that needs to get done before your head hits the pillow. It can be hard to find time for your own partner, let alone go out on dates. These podcasts will come in handy when it comes to gathering tips for better relationships.
I Do Podcast
When you can’t make it to couples counseling, and you need some insight and advice about how to manage your relationship, check out theI Do Podcastfrom husband and wife team, Chase and Sarah Kosterlitz.
They share practical wisdom about their own marriage and raising a family, plus, tips from therapists and relationship experts on topics ranging from resentment and loving through differences to learning about your partner’s love language.
Dear Sugars
Dear Sugars
Co-hosts, Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond team up to give you unfiltered advice about all things relationships. Their podcast,Dear Sugars, tackles some of the most frequently asked questions and concerns about family issues, sex, love, divorce, infidelity, and so much more. Plus, they encourage listeners to email them with their most burning questions.
It’s not uncommon to spend the majority of your waking hours at work. And with all that energy being devoted to your career, there’s a good chance you might need a bit of motivation from time to time. These podcasts will hopefully give you a leg up and make for a great partner on your morning commute.
无论您是在您的工作中扩大扩展的方式,还是您需要一些关于如何改变职业生涯的指导,珍妮布莱克,播客主持人枢with Jenny Blake,你有没有覆盖。
This former Google career coach knows all about the connection between motivation and work, and she uses her wisdom to share tips on how you can make your next move.
Being Boss
While geared towards freelancers and entrepreneurs, theBeing Boss播客实际上是一个很好的倾听,任何人都希望获得关于思维,习惯和惯例的知识,可以帮助你或阻止你赚钱做你所爱的东西。
Co-hosts, Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon, take on career and work-related topics like setting boundaries, marketing, productivity, self-limiting beliefs, and goal setting.
Financial Success
The Stacking Benjamins
Three days a week, Joe Saul-Sehy broadcasts live from his mom’s basement, which is part of the charm of this awesome podcast that focuses on helping others build wealth. Learn about saving, investing, and risk management from Joe and the variety of experts he brings onThe Stacking Benjamins Show.
Planet Money
NPR has done it again with their twice-weekly podcast, Planet Money, that breaks down what’s going on in the economy and gives you information about finance that actually makes sense.
Do you feel like you're always trying to get caught up? Learn how to increase productivity, both at work and in your personal life, with these top podcasts.
The Brendon Show
你过上一个带电的生活吗?这是Brendon Burchard的问题,播客主持人,The Brendon Show,每次居住时都会问听众。
The Tim Ferriss Show
The Tim Ferriss Showis home to the author of the famous book, “The 4-Hour Workweek,” among others. In his weekly podcast, he interviews experts in various fields on everything from personal and character development, to exercise routines, acting, venture capital, investing, business, time-management tricks, and so much more.
The Habit Coach
If you need encouragement to make permanent changes in your life, then习惯教练与ashdin医生是给你的。每一集都以秘诀为中心,鼓励您创造影响日常生活的新习惯。
Host, Ashdin Doctor, covers topics like nutrition, fitness, health, sleep, and productivity. And the best part? The majority of the episodes are less than 10-minutes long.
Tiny Leaps Big Changes
Forming a new habit takes time. It also requires tiny leaps along the way, and no one knows that better than the host ofTiny Leaps, Big Changes, Gregg Clunis. This personal development podcast dives deep into the most common daily behaviors and looks at how those behaviors determine results, both positive and negative.