How to Become an Ally to the Black Community


Lord Henri Voton

As the country wrestles with the issue of systemic racism, many people are wondering what they can do to help address the issue. Aside from teaching kids to beanti-racist,多样化友谊,参与抗议活动,大多数人都想知道如何做更多。

Perhaps the best way to influence change is to become an ally toBIPOC.。但是,如果你最喜欢,你可能不确定这是如何完成的甚至在哪里开始。毕竟,您不想进入局面而不能够以受过教育,体贴和富有同情心的方式应对种族主义的情况。

因此,这里有一些想法如何become an effective ally to the Black community and impact change. Keep in mind that every situation and community is different. So, use your best judgment on how and where to get involved. But do get involved because as Edmond Burke said, "Evil triumphs when good people do nothing."

Understand Racism is Everywhere

对于大多数人来说,承认种族主义存在是一件困难的事情。毕竟,这意味着该国没有取得进步,并且令人遗憾的行为仍然违反黑人和其他边缘化群体。但就像age, gender, and politicsinfluence people's actions, so does race.

Being white means you don't have to deal with racism all the time. So, sometimes it's hard to recognize that racism is happening.

But you have to step outside of your beliefs and experiences and ask questions. Learn to see the effect that racism has on people.

Pay Attention to Those in Power

Pay attention to people in authority positions. Observe what they are saying and how they are treating people. Once you do, you will start to notice code words for race as well as hidden agendas. You may even notice how certain policies and comments have on people of other races. Most likely, you already notice a person's skin color — now pay attention to how they are treated because of it.

Get Educated

If you truly want to become an ally, it's important to make the effort to educate yourself.

Be Careful Not to Overwhelm People

And, while you can ask your Black friends for suggestions on what to read or where to gather information, don't expect them to educate you. Many of them are tired from spending a lifetime fighting racism, so taking time to educate you can can be overwhelming for them.

Do Your Own Research

Instead, put in the work to learn about racism by reading books, following activists online, and watching influential movies and documentaries. Then,have the hard conversationswith your Black friends. Ask the right questions and listen to their thoughts and opinions without providing anecdotal stories about your own experiences.

Listen to Their Experiences

Many times, your friend's personal experiences with racism will have a greater impact on you than what you read. So be sure you talk to them. Just remember to be compassionate and understanding if they choose to share stories or information with you. Most likely, what they have experienced is highly personal and painful for them. Validate their experience without minimizing their thoughts or feelings.

Also, resist the urge to respond to them with a better or different perspective. Simply listen and just allow yourself to be in their shoes. Don't try to educate them or fix the situation in some way. Doing so just silences them and discourages them from sharing. Plus, it's condescending and rude to assume that you somehow have the answers.

Confront Your Own Biases

而且,最重要的是,不要害怕面对你自己的种族主义。深入挖掘并认识到你所做或相信的任何事情 - 故意或无意中 - 这是种族主义者,从你的生活中消灭它。


Take a Stand

It's difficult — and sometimes even scary — to take a stand against injustice. But part of being an ally means you are willing to take risks. And even though you may lackself-confidenceor feel inadequate when it comes to addressing injustices, do it anyway.



You need to be strategic in what you do and not enter into things haphazardly. So be sure you pick your battles carefully. Decide what's important to challenge and take a stand. Think about a strategic way of addressing the issue and the source of power. And, learn to recognize the connections between racism, economic issues, sexism, and other forms of prejudice.


Support Black Leadership

One of the best ways to empower the Black community is to support those who have emerged as leaders. Whether they are local politicians, teachers, or business owners, get behind them, and lend your support. Help them reach their goals and support their efforts to make a difference.

同样,你应该看看方法支持黑色原因和其他组织这努力支持受种族主义影响的人。如果你是白人,请利用你的特权 - 你没有经历种族主义的挑战 - 赋予那些因种族而受到不公平对待的人的挑战。

Don't use the term "colorblindness." It's simply not possible to not see the color of someone's skin.



It's important to remember that you will not end racism on your own. Communities have to work together in order to see results. For this reason, you need to build support, establish networks, and work with already established groups and diverse sources.

Check For Consistency


Pay Attention to Where You Get Your News


A Word From Verywell

如果您正在寻找启示的灵感,以便开始成为黑人社区的盟友,那些为种族司法工作的研究领导者 - 历史悠久的人为种族正义而战。如果您是白人,您可能会研究其他白盟盟友如何为种族司法用作示例;如果您是Latinx,您可能会将拉丁派对作为示例研究,同样适用于所有背景的人。

Reading about and listening to stories from a diverse range of allied voices can inspire you to take the next step. In the meantime, start educating your self about systemic racism in this country. You can't be an effective ally if you're not informed.
