
10 Organizations That Support Racial Equality

Racial equality will never be achieved by a single person or group. It takes a variety of activists, organizations, and approaches to create necessary changes.

Whether you’re looking to volunteer, donate money, or you’re interested in more information about how to get involved, it’s important to find an organization that you believe in. When you pitch in and help one of them, you can help make a big difference in society.

Here are 10 organizations that are working hard right now to support racial equality in America.


TheNational Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)成立于1909年,回应了对全国黑人的持续暴力。NAACP是全国最大的民权组织,拥有超过200万次参与全国2,200个单位的活动家。

Its mission is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic rights of Black people and to eliminate race-based discrimination. Its website offers ways tovolunteerand todonate



BYP conducts research, shares knowledge, and takes action. Its members are active in the Chicago area where they provide social activism training to young people.

BYP offers several ways people can help its members make a difference including投球和写作文章related to racial injustice, LGBTQIA+ issues, and feminism or by making adonation

Las Americas移民倡导中心

Las Americas移民倡导中心是一个非营利组织,可用于满足无法负担法律援助的低收入移民的法律需求。Las Americas报告单独为El Paso区的超过30,000个低收入移民居民提供法律护理 - 但它也为世界各地提供服务。

From helping individuals gain asylum to providing general immigration relief, Las Americas' legal services are abundant. To help, you can apply to be avolunteer


美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)旨在确保每项性别,种族和性取向的宪法自由。你可以帮助ACLUtake actionas its members continue to lobby for systemic change across the country.



Members work to advance the laws around children’s rights in the United States and offer several resources on how you can getinvolved。他们还倡导法律变更,这些变化将保护进入美国的脆弱儿童或那些被家人拘留和分开的人。


推进项目is a civil rights organization whose mission is: "fulfill America’s promise of a caring, inclusive, and just democracy."该组织采用创新工具加强社会运动,实现高影响力的政策变化。

推进项目is involved in a variety of different campaigns and provides multiple opportunities for volunteers to get involved in various projects. its website provides an abundance of资源and information for anyone who wants to know how they can help.

Color Of Change

Color Of Changeis an online racial justice organization whose goal is to mobilize its members to knock down walls that hold Black people back.


变革的颜色提供了各种涉及的方法,从donating moneyto joining its campaigns to end racist policies. You can sign up for itsnewsletterto learn how to get involved.


免费的美国wants to reduce gun violence and county jail incarcerations. With over 118 million people attending weekly faith-based services in over 350,000 congregations across the U.S., its aim is to create social justice by reaching faith institutions.


想要参与的会众有各种资源,并帮助传播他们的信息。对于想要的任何人都有明确的行动计划get involved

The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation

The National Coalition of Black Civic Participationseeks to encourage civic participation in the Black community. It educates, organizes, and mobilizes citizens to view civic participation as a cultural responsibility and tradition.


From local events to donating money, there are a number of ways toget involvedin getting more people to vote and run for office.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter(BLM) was founded in 2013. It’s a global organization in the U.S., U.K., and Canada. Its mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, its members are winning immediate improvements in Black lives.


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