Mental health disordersare real illnesses that often cause people to suffer silently. And, unfortunately, there is still a stigma associated with them. But, having discussions and raising awareness about mental health are the first steps to combating the stigma.
Ultimately, it is important to pay attention to your mental health. And activism is a way that caregivers, loved ones, patients, and all those touched by mental illness can give back to and aid others.
The following are some of the leading organizations that raise awareness and provide support and resources for mental health. They offer a number of ways to turn your suffering into action.
Mental Health America
Founded in 1909,万博手机客户端心理健康美国(MHA)是全国领先的社区组织,致力于满足患有精神疾病的人们的需求,以及促进整体心理健康。万博手机客户端该非营利组织认为,实际上,心理健康状况实际上是整体健康的关键部分。万博手机客户端他们是心理健康支持,康复和宣传的权威。万博手机客户端
MHA’s philosophy is to address and treat mental health conditions before they cause individual suffering. They advocate for prevention services, early identification, and intervention of symptoms, and plans of action to hopefully stop or reverse the progression of mental illness.
- 筛选工具-快捷方便 ”screening tests” to determine if you are experiencing symptoms of mental illness和indicate whether you should receive further evaluation. Results include detailed information, resources, and tools to discuss with a mental health provider.
- Local affiliates—You can provide your zip code and MHA will show you their local affiliates where you can access support and referrals.
- 计划和宣传工作 - 关于从回到学校到工作场所健康的一切的信息。MHA还倡导立法,影响心理健康状况及其家庭的人们的生活。万博手机客户端
- 访问HELP-MHA提供有关如何访问自己或亲人的帮助的信息,包括有关可用处理和支持类型的有价值的资源,如何使用心理健康提供者以及恢复和支持的工具。万博手机客户端
The National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH)是脑部障碍研究领先的联邦机构。NIMH是构成美国卫生和人类服务部的国家卫生研究院的27个研究所和中心之一。
NIMH is the largest scientific organization dedicated to research focused on the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. It also conducts外展致其他心理健康组织万博手机客户端分享有关正在进行的研究和计划的信息,并获得未来举措的反馈。
Additionally, NIMH partners with these organizations in efforts to foster public awareness of the most current mental health research. They also offer多媒体演示文稿A.免费图像库。
nimh提供trustworthy informationabout mental health disorders as well as information on a range of mental health topics and the latest mental health research.
如果您或亲人正在考虑参加临床研究,NIMH可以用有关临床试验的信息,以及如何在NIMH或全国范围内找到一个。他们还有free brochures, booklets, and e-booksto help educate the public about mental health and mental illness.
National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Alliance on Mental Illness(NAMI)是最大的基层精神卫生组织之一,致力于为受精神疾病影响的美国人创造更好万博手机客户端的生活。该集团始于厨房桌子,现已成为全国在心理健康上的暴露声音之一。万博手机客户端
NAMI is made up of state organizations, hundreds of local affiliates, and volunteers. They provide education, hold events, provide resources, and work in the community to raise awareness and offer support to all who need it.
此外,纳米致力于改变人们观察精神疾病的方式,并通过教育,宣传,听取公众,领导地位,摆脱与它相关的耻辱。纳米也提供educational programsto a wide range of communities to make sure that families, individuals, and educators get the support and information they need.
Included in this isNAMI FaithNet—an interfaith resource network that promotes the role of spirituality in the recovery journeys of many who live with mental health illness and for whom faith is a key component. One can also call theNAMI toll-free helplinefor free referrals, information, and support or visit their website tosign upfor discussion/support groups or help others on their message boards.
Through their advocacy work, NAMI shapes national公共政策精神病患者和他们的家庭。Their efforts have resulted in obtaining funding for research, protecting access to treatments and services, and making sure that mental illness is treated the same way as physical illness in most insurance plans. NAMI will also provide advocacy volunteers with the tools, resources, and skills needed to protect mental health in all states.
NAMI participates in many monthly and yearly mental health awareness events as a way to show support for people with mental illnesses and highlight the importance of mental health. Participating in a NAMI意识事件allows one to help increase people’s understanding of the complexity of mental illness as well as educate the public on and help to reduce stigma.
These events include Mental Illness Awareness Week,Awareness Messaging Campaignsfor social media,namiwalks., and many other events.
- Join a纳米在校园里俱乐部 - 一个学生主导的学生经营的学院校园精神健康组织万博手机客户端
- Take the Stigma-free Pledge
- 分享您的故事- 提供了具有类似经验的人的鼓励和支持。NAMI提供两个安全,审核的空间,以分享您的故事(允许匿名帖子):You Are Not Alone和OK2Talk
- Attend one of NAMI's教育课程
- 利用NAMI连接支持组和/or纳米家族支持小组
- Sign up forNAMI Smarts for Advocacy- 将教您如何教授的动手培训计划加入宣传运动
- 加入nami.- 创建一个帐户和/或成为会员
- Donate to NAMI- 努力依赖礼品和贡献来支持他们的重要工作
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention(AFSP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected bysuicide。
AFSP在所有50个州的章节中有核心策略,包括为专业人士提供教育计划,教育公众mood disorders和suicide prevention, funding scientific research, offering programs and resources for survivors of suicide loss as well as people at risk, and倡导有关影响自杀和预防的政策和立法。
The AFSP acknowledges that too many people at risk for suicide do not seek help. Thus, the organization has creatededucational programsto reach those who are suffering as well as teach schools, workplaces, and communities on how to prevent suicide and make mental health a priority.
AFSP还创造了Interactive Screening Program, an online program that can be offered through mental health agencies at institutions of higher education, law enforcement agencies, workplaces, and employee assistance programs.
The interactive screening program website offers a safe and confidential place for people to take a brief screening for stress,沮丧以及其他心理健康状况,然万博手机客户端后从心理健康辅导员那里获得个性化的回应。该网站允许人们与心理健康顾问匿名沟通,并接收提出的建议,反馈和支持获得可用的心理健康服务。万博手机客户端
Additionally, the AFSP offersprograms and resources for healingas well as a peer-supported幸存者外展计划。The organization also provides volunteer opportunities for survivors who want to find meaning and healing by supporting their peers. And, if you want to help advocate for policies that will help save lives, the AFSP’s公共政策teamprovides volunteers with the tools they will need to advocate for suicide prevention at both the state and federal levels.
您可以帮助促进自杀意识,并通过参与筹集AFSP资金Out of the Darkness community, campus, and overnight walks, honoring a loved one via amemorial fund, creating your own personal fundraising campaign, joining ateam AFSPevent, or simply捐赠。You can also get involved by成为成员of your local chapter or by参加AFSP的研究研究之一。
Child Mind Institute
The Child Mind Instituteis an independent, national nonprofit devoted to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders. Lack of awareness and the stigma associated with mental illness prevents the treatment of many children and teens. The Child Mind Institute, however, strives to improve the futures of this population through three commitments:
- Provide these children withaccessto the best, most effective treatments when and where they need it most.
- Advance thescienceof the developing brain in order to improve diagnosis and treatment.
- Offer helpful, accurate information and导游那个赋权的家庭和社区获得帮助。
这个组织是父母的宝贵资源。他们提供专家指导关于如何有效地应对各种父母问题以及提供可以帮助父母为孩子找到最佳照顾的资源。他们的网站也有一个symptom checker toolwhere parents can answer questions and receive information about possible diagnoses and guidance about what to do next.
They offer aParents Guide to Getting Good Care无论出现任何问题,这为想要为孩子提供帮助的父母提供一步一步的援助。
The Child Mind Institute is also a greatresource for educators。他们为教师课堂战略以及指南提供帮助教育者有效地应对表现出心理健康或学习障碍的迹象的儿童。万博手机客户端他们的临床专家可用于媒体和口语参与,并主持访问教授讲座系列。
And, in addition to offering free在线资源以及一个Ask an Expert页面包含临床问题的答案parents have asked the organization, the institute creates high-impact awareness campaigns, likeSpeak Up for Kids。This is the Child Mind Institute’s annual public education campaign advocating awareness of children’s mental health issues and providing needed information to families, educators, the media, and policymakers. (Their "参与其中“部分提供了六种不同的方法来帮助改变孩子的生命。)
- 治疗倡导中心is a national nonprofit organization that is dedicated to eliminating barriers to the timely and effective treatment of severe mental illness. This organization helps to promote laws, policies, and practices for the delivery of psychiatric care and supports the new innovative treatments for and research into the causes of severe and persistent mental illness. The Treatment Advocacy Center has become an authoritative, independent voice for reforming mental health treatment laws. Their website is designed to provide the public and policymakers with reliable sources of information about state mental health treatment laws as well as information and resources for helping loved ones with severe mental illness.
- National Council for Behavioral Healthadvocates for政策that help guarantee access to comprehensive, high-quality, and evidence-based mental health and substance abuse services. They are comprised of 3,326 member organizations that offer mental health and addiction treatment, and encourage their members to unite their voices in an effort to protect behavioral health care. The National Council for Behavioral Health introducedMental Health First Aid USAthrough which two million Americans have been trained to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders. The council offers healthcare management and quality improvementconsulting and training services对健康和人类服务组织以及国家和地方政府提高心理保健质量。万博手机客户端他们还提供免费的Find a Provider服务帮助您找到当地的理疗和服务。
- 全国心理健康恢复联盟(NCMHR)万博手机客户端seeks to ensure that all people who are recovering or have recovered from mental illness play a major role in the development and execution of mental health care and social policies at the state and national levels. One of NCMHR’s major goals is to empower people to recover and lead a full life in the community. NCMHR represents the voices and needs of actual mental health patients. They emphasize the need for mental health service providers to treat patients with dignity and to respect their rights and choices regarding recovery and treatment. NCMHR also advocates for a wide range of recovery-oriented services and support, including assistance with housing, education, and career development.
- Brain and Behavior Research Foundation致力于通过了解原因和开发治疗大脑和行为障碍的新方法来减少精神疾病造成的痛苦。他们通过授予拨款to fund the most innovative ideas in neuroscience and psychiatry with the goal that these studies will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research. Outside of the federal government, no other organization has been responsible for more breakthroughs in the mental health field or funded the number of mental health research grants than this foundation has.
- 美国焦虑和抑郁症协会(ADAA) is a nonprofit organization that is committed to the prevention and treatment of焦虑,抑郁症,强迫症, and trauma-related disorders. The ADAA strives to improve the quality of life for people living with these mental disorders by aiming to improve patient care by advocating for evidence-based treatment. They also offer education about these disorders and can help one找一个治疗师who specializes in their treatment. And they provide continuing education and training and help to turn research findings into practice. Even more, the ADAA aspires to find new, effective treatments with the hope of being able to prevent and cure these disorders in the future.
- 特雷弗项目provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth under 25. This organization was founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award-winning short filmTREVOR。特雷弗项目provides certified life-saving, life-affirming, crisis intervention services to LGBTQ youth by creating a safe, accepting, and comprehensive way tocommunicate via the phone, online, and through text。他们还有differentprograms and servicesin suicide prevention, includingfree online learning modules, curriculum, and resourcesdesigned for teachers and adults who work with LGBTQ youth. Their website offers theTrevor支持中心是LGBTQ青年及其朋友,家庭和教师的领域可以找到常见问题的答案,以及探索与性取向,性别认同等相关的资源。TrevorSpace,LGBTQ社交网站也可用。
- Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)是一个针对抑郁症和双相情感障碍的同行定向国家组织。DBSA为需要的人提供健康导向,基于同行和赋权的服务和资源。人们可以在线接收这些服务,在本地和在线支持小组中,并在线podcasts和videos。DBSA在线和通过印刷材料分发广泛的信息。他们的网站提供教育材料,有关找到合适的处理,个人健康工具和健康跟踪器的信息以及潜力研究研究that one can participate in. DBSA can also show you how to help your loved one who may be affected by depression or bipolar depression, how to become a peer provider to help others, and how to help advocate for mental health.
- Active Mindsis a nonprofit organization that empowers students to speak honestly and candidly about mental health to educate others and encourage people to seek help. The group works to create and support student-run chapters on college campuses. These campus chapters promote mental health awareness, advocacy, and education at colleges throughout the country. Active Minds aims to make students aware of mental health issues, provide information and resources about mental health and mental illness, and encourage students to seek help as soon as it is needed. The chapters offer students training and leadership opportunities as well as serve as a liaison between students and the mental health community. One of the goals of Active Minds is to remove the stigma that surrounds mental health issues. They try to achieve this through campus-wide events, national programs, and by creating an inviting environment for an open conversation about mental health issues on campuses nationwide.
A Word From Verywell
活动通常是一个有益的方式到你的频道passion or hardship into action. Choosing to volunteer your time or donate money to an organization can be a gratifying and meaningful way to “pay it forward” and/or help others in need.
这只是一些领先的列表万博手机客户端organizations. Some are broader than others. If you are thinking about supporting a charity, it’s important that you do your own research. That way, you can find the organization that feels like the best fit for your goals.