DHA Benefits and Side Effects for Children

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Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid used to improvebrain和孩子的眼睛健康。天然存在于油性鱼和一些海藻中,DHA也有补充形式提供。


Since DHA is essential for neurological and visual development, DHA supplements are thought to enhance brain function and vision in children. In addition, DHA supplements are purported to treat certain health problems in children, such as allergies, asthma, andattention deficit-hyperactivity disorder(ADHD).


Here's a look at some key study findings on the benefits of DHA for children:


DHA deficiency may be common among children with ADHD, according to a report published in the美国临床营养杂志in 2000. However, it's not known whether DHA supplements can help treat ADHD in children.

例如,在2001年的研究中Journal of Pediatrics, researchers found that four months of DHA supplementation failed to decrease symptoms in a group of children with ADHD. The study involved 63 six- to 12-year-old children, each of whom received 345 milligrams (mg) of DHA or aplacebodaily. An article published in the journal脂质2017年审查了16项随机对照试验。13项研究报告了Adha症状的良好益处,包括在多动,冲动,关注,视觉学习,单词阅读和工作/短期记忆中。



So far, research on DHA's effects on cognitive function in children has yielded mixed results. For example, a 2009 study of 90 healthy children ages 10 to 12 (published inNutritional Neuroscience) found that eight weeks of DHA supplementation did not have a beneficial effect on brain function.

On the other hand, a 2008 study of 175 healthy four-year-old children (published in临床儿科) found that higher blood levels of DHA were linked to higher scores on vocabulary tests. However, this study did not specifically test the use of DHA supplements (and its potential to improve test scores). Therefore, DHA's effectiveness in改善认知功能孩子们仍然不清楚。




Before giving your child DHA supplements, consult their pediatrician to determine a safe dosage.

Where to Find DHA





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