领导能力理论表明,没有单一leadership style是最好的。相反,这取决于哪种类型的领导和战略最适合任务。根据这个理论,最多有效的领导者是那些能够使他们的风格适应情况的人,看看诸如任务类型,小组的性质以及可能有助于完成工作的其他因素。
情境领导理论往往被称为Hersey-Blanchard的情境领导理论,在其开发商,Paul Hersey博士,“情境领导者”和Kenneth Blanchard,“一分钟经理”作者。
Leadership Styles
Hersey and Blanchard suggested that there are four primary leadership styles:
- Telling (S1):在这一领导风格中,领导者讲述了人们该做什么以及如何做到这一点。
- 卖(S2):这种风格涉及领导者和追随者之间的更加来回。领导人“卖出”他们的想法和信息,让小组成员购买进程。
- 参与(S3): In this approach, the leader offers less direction and allows members of the group to take a more active role in coming up with ideas and making decisions.
- 委派(S4):This style is characterized by a less involved,hands-off approach to leadership。集团成员倾向于使大部分决定并为发生的事情带来大部分责任。
Maturity Levels
The right style of leadership depends greatly on the maturity level (i.e., the level of knowledge and competence) of the individuals or group.
- M1:集团成员缺乏完成任务的知识,技能和愿意。
- M2: Group members are willing and enthusiastic, but lack the ability.
- M3: Group members have the skills and capability to complete the task, but are unwilling to take responsibility.
- M4:集团成员非常熟练,愿意完成任务。
Matching Styles and Levels
- Low Maturity (M1)—Telling (S1)
- Medium Maturity (M2)—Selling (S2)
- 中等成熟(M3) - 豌豆(S3)
- 高成熟度(M4) - 凝结(S4)
How It Works
A more "telling" style may be necessary at the beginning of a project when followers lack the responsibility or knowledge to work on their own. As subordinates become more experienced and knowledgeable, however, the leader may want to shift into a more delegating approach.
This situational model of leadership focuses on flexibility so that leaders are able to adapt according to the needs of their followers and the demands of the situation.
情境领导II(或SLII模型)由Kenneth Blanchard开发,并在Blanchard和Hersey的原始理论上建立。根据该理论的修订版,有效的领导者必须将其行为基于组成员的发展级别的特定任务。
Competence and Commitment
The developmental level is determined by each individual's level of competence and commitment. These levels include:
- Enthusiastic beginner (D1):高承诺,低竞争力。
- Disillusioned learner(D2):Some competence, but setbacks have led to low commitment.
- 能力但谨慎表演者(D3):能力在增长,但承诺的程度不同。
- Self-reliant achiever(D4): High competence and commitment.
SLII also suggests that effective leadership is dependent on two key behaviors: supporting and directing. Directing behaviors include giving specific directions and instructions and attempting to control the behavior of group members. Supporting behaviors include actions such as encouraging subordinates, listening, and offering recognition and feedback.
The theory identifies four basic leadership styles, including:
- Directing (S1):指导行为高,支持行为低。
- 教练(S2):引导和支持行为都很高。
- Supporting (S3):在指导行为和高度支持行为上较低。
- 委派(S4):引导和支持行为都很低。
The main point of SLII theory is that not one of these four leadership styles is best. Instead, an effective leader will match his or her behavior to the developmental skill of each subordinate for the task at hand.
Key Factors
Experts suggest that there are four key contextual factors that leaders must be aware of when making an assessment of the situation.
Consider the Relationship
Consider the Task
The level of authority the leader has over group members should also be considered. Some leaders have power conferred by the position itself, such as the capacity to fire, hire, reward, or reprimand subordinates. Other leaders gain power through relationships with employees, often by gaining respect from them, offering support to them, and helping them feel included in thedecision-making process。