
Distressed young woman looking at laptop in bed in the dark

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According to psychotherapist and coachTess Brigham, doomscrolling is mindlessly scrolling through negative news articles, social media posts, or other content-sharing platforms. Essentially, it's reading one negative story after another.

虽然它看起来好像2020年和所有的障碍都是(新冠肺炎pandemic, political tensions, and social injustice to name a few) would inspire the term “doomscrolling,” it actually likely sprung up on Twitter in 2018 and has been a cultural term ever since.


如果你花了几分钟或者甚至在阅读故事或在线帖子中投入了几个小时 - 而且他们往往是令人痛苦的品种 - 它可能已经花了你的时间融资。



- 苔丝布里格姆,心理治疗师

With studies pointing to a surge of poor mental health this year (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]8月份据报道,近41%的美国成年人有至少一个不良精神或行为健康状况,包括焦虑的症状,难怪越来越多的oomoocrolling发生了。



Brigham says that those who struggle with anxiety or焦虑相关疾病(这些可包括恐慌障碍,创伤后应激障碍[PTSD],强迫症紊乱[OCD]和社会焦虑症)特别容易发生违规滚动,因为“焦虑是对控制或缺乏控制权”。


Why People Doom Scroll

If deep-down it’s affecting our mental health in a negative way, why do we continue to doom scroll?



“We are hardwired to survive and to see the things that could potentially harm us,” Brigham further explains. “That’s in our DNA and our ancestors needed this ability in order to literally survive. While our world is very different, we still have this drive to keep ourselves safe which we think we’re doing by reading negative news stories.”

Potential Pitfalls

Daily doomscrolling simply isn’t a wise idea if you’re striving for good mental health.

“这对你的心理健康是不利的,因为没有真万博手机客户端正的益处,”Brigham Notes。“它只会让你对你周围世界的焦虑和偏执狂。”

Brigham还说,Doomscrolling Robs你生活在present moment,因为这是一个“无意识”的活动。

Doomscrolling prevents you from paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, which is additionally detrimental to mental health. And, you may not even be fully conscious of how much it’s impacting you.

“While you’re scrolling through all these articles,” she says, “you may not be aware of how all of this negative information is affecting your psyche, but once you close your eyes and try and go to bed, your mind is spinning with terrible images.”


As tempting as it is to consistently consume negative news stories, there are ways to turn scrolling into a positive experience.

“One way to make it positive is to only visit sites you trust and report on events in a fair manner,” Brigham says.

“Some news sites are just sensational and want to shock or scare you, so avoid those outlets and focus on places where you know you’ll get honest, accurate information. Limit your intake. You can stay informed by watching one show or even reading a summary of the news of the day.”

If you’ve found yourself in a swirling vortex of doomscrolling that takes place multiple times a day, it’s time to do a mental health check-in and apply Brigham’s tips and tricks so you won’t go down the rabbit hole:


  • 参加别的东西:你意识到你正在做的事情的那一刻。Brigham建议您的注意力将注意力重定向到Web上的其他内容或简单地放下手机或注销计算机。
  • Set a time limit:虽然留下通知很好,但通过限制自己仅20分钟滚动,让自己进入Doomscrolling领土。
  • Seek out positivity:而不是Doomscrolling,看一些有趣的东西,看看家庭照片,或阅读关于世界上有些好事的故事。
  • 练习感激:Pinpoint things to be grateful for instead of things you need to be fearful of.
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