Teaching Strategies for Students With ADHD

teacher calling on student

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The termexecutive functiondescribes the ability to plan and manage time and projects effectively. Most people with ADHD have significant deficits in executive function which, of course, makes school very difficult. Luckily, there are creative interventions teachers can use to help improve astudent’s success in the classroom.

Below is a listing of several teaching accommodations that work well for students with ADHD. They were compiled byChris Dendy, MSand reprinted with her permission. Ms. Dendy is a leading ADHD expert and author, a former teacher with more than 35 years experience, and a mother of two grown sons and a daughter with ADHD.

The basic concept behind all these strategies is simple: make the learning process concrete and visual. Teachers can achieve this goal by following these建议对课堂工作:


  • Dictate information to a “scribe” or parents.
  • Use graphic organizers to provide visual prompts.
  • Use “post-it” notes to brainstorm essay ideas.


  • Use a peer tutor.
  • 使用配对学习(教师解释了问题,学生弥补了自己的例子,交换问题,并讨论答案)。


  • 使用助记符(记忆技巧),如缩写或acrostics, e.g., HOMES to remember names of the Great Lakes.
  • Use “visual posting” of key information on strips of poster board.


  • Use an overhead projector to demonstrate how to write an essay. (Parents may simply write on paper or a computer to model this skill.)
  • Use color to highlight important information.
  • 使用图形组织者帮助学生组织他们的想法。

修改作业 - 减少书面工作

  • Shorten assignments.
  • 检查在作业上花费的时间,并在适当的情况下减少它(当PTA / NEA政策中建议的每个等级超过10分钟时,例如,当PTA / NEA政策中的大约10分钟时,例如,7th Grader = 70分钟)。
  • Write answers only, not the questions (photocopy questions).


  • Give extended time on tests.
  • Divide long-term projects into segments with separate due dates and grades.
  • Average two grades on essays—one for content and one for grammar.

Modify Level of Support and Supervision

  • Appoint “row captains” to check to see that homework assignments are written down and later turned in to the teacher.
  • Increase the amount of supervision and monitoring for these students, if they are struggling.

Use Technology

  • Use a computer as often as possible.
  • Use software to help teach skills.
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