

创伤后应激障碍(创伤后应激障碍)和饮食失调经常同时发生。患有饮食失调的人可能有其他心理健康状况,例如万博手机客户端generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, or强迫症(强迫症)。事实上,许多患有饮食失调的人也有一种或多种焦虑症,通常早于饮食失调。

What Is PTSD?


A diagnosis of PTSD is made when a person experiences a traumatic event and then has great difficulty in the aftermath of that event. The traumatic incident continues to dominate their daily life. A PTSD diagnosis requires a person to have symptoms that can include upsetting and intrusive memories, nightmares, avoidance of reminders of the event, negative thoughts or feelings related to the event, difficulty concentrating, constant anxiety, and increased physiological arousal since the event. These symptoms must persist for a month or more.


饮食失调是复杂affec的条件t eating and can seriously impair health and social functioning. The most common eating disorders are:

These are also the three types of eating disorders that have most often been studied in relation to PTSD.




How PTSD Relates to Trauma

Anyone can develop PTSD at any age. Not every person who experiences trauma develops PTSD—in fact, most people will manage to process a traumatic event and move on without developing the disorder. Others will exhibit some behaviors or transient symptoms of PTSD but never develop the disorder.

Certain factors can increase a person’s likelihood of developing PTSD following trauma—these can include the type of trauma, number of traumas experienced, prior problems withanxiety and depression, poor social support, and genetic predisposition.


创伤, including childhood sexual abuse, is a “nonspecific” risk factor for eating disorders—nonspecific because it can also precede a number of other psychiatric disorders. In the U.S., the lifetime prevalence of PTSD is estimated to be at 6.4 percent. Rates of PTSD among people with eating disorders are less clear because there are few studies. What studies do exist show the following rates for lifetime PTSD:

  • Women with bulimia nervosa:37-40%
  • 带床女士:21-26%
  • 神经性厌食症妇女:16%
  • Men with bulimia nervosa:66%
  • 带床男士:24%


有不同的理论认为进食障碍患者的PTSD发病率较高。一种理论认为创伤直接影响body image或自我意识,并导致一个人试图改变自己的身体形状,以避免未来的伤害。

Another is that trauma exposure leads to emotional dysregulation (difficulty managing emotional reactions), which in turn can increase the risk for various types of psychopathology, including PTSD,边缘型人格障碍,和物质使用障碍. In this model, binge eating and purging are believed to be an attempt by the affected person to manage or numb their intense PTSD symptoms. When they succeed in doing so, the eating disorder behaviors are reinforced.

Psychological Treatment

在任何情况下,当多种精神疾病同时发生,治疗变得更加复杂。这在创伤后应激障碍和饮食失调中肯定是正确的。患有创伤后应激障碍的进食障碍患者可能更难相信他们的提供者或让他人来指导治疗。饮食失调的治疗通常包括接受direction around eating, so an unwillingness on the part of a patient with PTSD to trust the caregiver can be problematic.


创伤后应激障碍和进食障碍都可以通过药物成功治疗cognitive-behavioral therapy(CBT), a treatment that focuses on understanding the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


  • Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)teaches how to reframe your maladaptive beliefs about the trauma.
  • 长期暴露疗法(PE)teaches how to face feelings and involves talking about the trauma.
  • 创伤-Focused CBT (TF-CBT)is designed for children and adolescents, and teaches how to understand, process, and cope with trauma.
  • 眼动脱敏和再加工(EMDR)在引导眼球运动的同时帮助人们处理和理解创伤。这种治疗方法往往更具争议性,因为目前尚不清楚眼球运动是否有助于患者在相关暴露过程之外的改善。


In the treatment of co-occurring eating disorders and PTSD, there is no consensus on whether treatment should be sequential (with eating disorder treatment first or PTSD treatment first), or concurrent/integrated (treatment for the eating disorder and PTSD provided at the same time).




For patients with more problems with emotion dysregulation and high-risk behaviors, a form of辨证行为疗法(DBT), a protocol for treating PTSD, is DBT-PE. This treatment combines prolonged exposure with DBT. It is a new protocol and there are not yet any studies on DBT-PE with patients with eating disorders, but some professionals believe it could be a good option for patients with eating disorders and PTSD.


  • 病人表示准备好了。
  • 患者营养充足,能够处理信息。
  • 进食障碍症状相对可控。
  • 病人有足够的能力忍受负面情绪。


A Word From Verywell


Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial process了解更多有关如何检查事实并保持内容准确、可靠和值得信赖的信息。
  • 布鲁顿,蒂莫西D.2007。进食障碍、创伤和共病:关注创伤后应激障碍饮食失调15 (4): 285–304. DOI:10.1080/10640260701454311.
  • Dansky、Bonnie、Timothy Brewerton、Dean Kilpatrick和Patrick O'Neil(1997年),《全国妇女研究:伤害和创伤后应激障碍与神经性贪食症的关系》。国际饮食失调杂志21: 213–228. 内政部:10.1002/(SICI)1098-108X(199704)21:3<213::AID-EAT2>3.0.CO;2-N.
  • 米切尔、凯伦S、苏珊娜E.马泽奥、米歇尔R.施莱辛格、蒂莫西D.布鲁顿和布赖恩N.史密斯。2012“全国共病调查研究中饮食失调男女部分和阈下创伤后应激障碍的共病性。”国际饮食失调杂志45 (3): 307–15. 内政部:10.1002/eat.20965.
  • Mitchell,Karen S.2017年。ED治疗过程中何时/如何治疗PTSD。饮食失调学院的网络研讨会。
  • Reyes-Rodríguez, Mae Lynn, Ann Von Holle, T. Frances Ulman, Laura M. Thornton, Kelly L. Klump, Harry Brandt, Steve Crawford, et al. 2011. “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Anorexia Nervosa.”Psychosomatic Medicine73 (6): 491–97. 内政部:10.1097/PSY.0b013e31822232bb.
  • Trim, Julie G., Tara e. Galovski, Amy Wagner, & Timothy D. Brewerton, 2018. Treating Eating Disorder-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Patients,复杂和非典型饮食失调临床手册。40-59. 牛津大学出版社。纽约。