
student on laptop

This Psychology 101 WebQuest and lesson plan are designed to help students learn more about the basics of psychology. It serves as a good introduction to the science of the mind and behavior.

课程计划是适应性的,因此您可以选择让学生在线或离线完成分配部分。如果您选择在线完成学生完成作业,他们需要一些了解如何使用博客或在线文档工具。如果您选择脱机完成分配,学生可以选择使用文字处理工具(如Microsoft Word)或演示软件(例如PowerPoint)。


1.心理学10万博maxbetx官网登陆1 WebQuest

In this portion of the lesson plan, students will utilize the web to research different psychology topics. All resources are provided in the WebQuest, so there is no need for students to search for the articles and URLs they need. Students can select which topics they choose to include in their assignment, but I would suggest having students choose a minimum of three sections to complete.


选择主题并探索心理学中提供的资源101 WebQuest,学生需要创建心理学演示。万博maxbetx官网登陆这可以以几种不同的方式完成。学生可以选择使用在线发布工具,如Blogger要么谷歌文档,呈现他们的项目。另一种选择是利用Microsoft Word或PowerPoint等工具来创建演示。根据您的要求,学生还可以选择创建海报板演示文稿。

The Psychology 101 WebQuest offers a fun and exciting way to explore psychology topics and integrate technology tools and resources into the classroom curriculum.



描述:完成心理学101 We万博maxbetx官网登陆bQuest并根据提供的资源开发演示文稿。


第2部分:心理学的研究主题101 WebQuest万博maxbetx官网登陆


What Is Psychology?









1. Create an Online Journal:

有兴趣创建在线日志的学生可以利用可用的许多免费博客工具之一(我推荐博主或WordPress..). After signing up for an account, students can start creating entries. Students might opt to break their research up into separate sections and then create a separate blog entry for each topic, or they may also choose to keep a running journal of their personal thoughts and reactions to the materials that they read.

2. Create a Document or Presentation

学生不希望做一个在线出席ion might want to consider making a written document or PowerPoint presentation. For a written document, students can present their information as a research report, as a question-and-answer style document, or as a written journal. Those interested in creating a PowerPoint presentation may want to break up their research into different sections and create separate slides for each part of their project.


Another assignment option is to have students develop a poster board presentation. In addition to containing a wealth of information, these poster boards should also be visually engaging. One fun alternative would be to have all students in the classroom create a poster board and then hold a "psychology conference" where students share and discuss the information presented in their posters.


You are free to use the Psychology 101 WebQuest for personal and educational use. Giving away, selling, or redistributing this WebQuest is not permissible. Do not republish this lesson plan on another website or distribute it electronically via e-mail. Please creditVerywell.com Psychology当您利用此课程计划时。




4. 3. 2 1
Organization 展示了大量的组织 展示了相当程度的组织 Demonstrates some knowledge of organization 展示了有限的组织知识
介绍 显示出卓越的风格,设计和视觉上诉 显示出良好的风格,设计和视觉上诉 显示一些风格,设计和视觉上诉的使用 Shows limited use of style, design, and visual appeal
Knowledge/ Understanding Demonstrates an excellent understanding of the topic Demonstrates a good understanding of the topic 展示了对主题的一些了解 展示了对该主题的有限理解
通讯 介绍method shows excellent communication of materials and meaning 介绍method shows good communication of materials and meaning 呈现方法显示了材料和意义的一些沟通 介绍method shows limited communication of materials and meaning
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