Colored Paper and Impact on Learning Experiment

Young woman writing on sticky notes

Steven Errico / Digital Vision / Getty Images

Some people say that using colored paper or text rather than plain white paper or black font can improve learning and performance. One claim is that printing text on green paper helps students read better, while another is that yellow paper helps students perform better on math exams. How accurate are these claims? Here's how to design a psychology experiment around this theory.





  • 使用彩色纸张是否会增加数学测试的分数?
  • 使用不同的彩色字体是否会在数学测试上增加得分?
  • 是否使用彩色纸张增加阅读理解?
  • 使用不同的彩色字体是否会增加阅读理解?
  • 打印绿色纸张文本是否会增加阅读理解对其他颜色的纸张,如黄色,蓝色或棕色?
  • What color text works best for reading comprehension?
  • 什么颜色文本最适合数学分数?
  • Does using colored paper boost memory?

Developing Your Hypothesis


  • Students who take a math test printed on colored paper will perform better than students who take the same math test printed on white paper.
  • 阅读彩色纸上印刷的文本的学生将比阅读读者的学生在阅读理解考试中表现更好,比在白皮书上读取相同文本的学生。

Choose Participants, Develop Study Materials, and Identify Your Key Variables

在为您的学习选择参与者时,请与您的教练交谈。在某些情况下,您可能能够与其他学生进行实验psychology or science course。If this is not possible, it is essential to get permission from your teacher before proceeding to work with any group of participants.


接下来,确定密钥变量of your experiment. These variables may differ depending on the exact hypothesis you decided to investigate. For example, if you are researching whether or not colored paper increases reading comprehension, your独立变量将是纸的颜色和dependent variable将是阅读理解测试的分数。


After you have collected the data for your experiment, analyze the results. Did the color of the paper used have any effect on your dependent variable? Were the results of the experiment statistically significant? Write up your results in the manner required by your instructors, such as a bulletin board presentation or a实验报告

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