Color psychologysuggests that different colors can evoke psychological reactions. For example, color is often thought to have an impact on moods and emotions. Sometimes these reactions are related to the intensity of a color, while in other cases they are the product of experience and cultural influences.
"Green, which is Nature's colour, is restful, soothing, cheerful, and health-giving." —Paul Brunton
The Color Psychology of Green
Researchers have also found that green can improve reading ability. Some students may find that laying a transparent sheet of green paper over reading material increases reading speed and comprehension.
Green has long been a symbol of fertility and was once the preferred color choice for wedding gowns in the 15th-century. Even today, green M&M's (an American chocolate candy) are said to send a sexual message.
Green is often used in decorating for its calming effect. For example, guests waiting to appear on television programs often wait in a “green room” to relax.
The Effects of Green
Learn more about what people have to say about the color green in some of the following responses readers have shared with us over the years.
Green Is Calming
读者经常表明彩色绿色具有平静的效果。“我读到某个地方,绿色是一个平静的颜色或颜色helps concentrationor something," suggested one respondent.
Green's calming effects may be due to its associations with nature, which people often feel is relaxing and refreshing.
Green Is Exciting
Green Evokes Compassion
"When I see someone is wearing the color green, I feel she is kind, helpful, caring and sympathetic. It is a color that just radiatescompassion。" – Yeganeh
“对我来说是绿色的一种象征性的自然。当我注意到颜色绿色时,它会露出一个平静和和平的感觉。”- 布伦登
“颜色绿色让我想起了自然界。我喜欢在我的室内装饰和衣柜中融入绿色,因为它感觉很靠近大自然。”- 贝蒂
Green Is Optimistic
“希望,optimistic, forgiven, energized, restful, royal, elegant, rich, healthy, playful, respected, responsible, wealthy, cautious, peaceful, warm, stable, tall, clean, stable, comforted, sturdy, strong, and compassionate. This is my favorite color, all shades and hues." – Joe
"Green is a color that to me symbolizes a new beginning. I imagine a fresh green plant emerging from the soil. Whenever I'm trying toget motivatedto tackle a new goal or start over on something, surrounding myself with green can be quite helpful." – Ivan
Your own reaction to the color green is highly personal. Past experiences, as well as personal and cultural associations, can all play a role in how this color makes you feel.
A Word From Verywell
The next time to find yourself observing the color green, whether it is in a room, in a painting, or in an outdoor setting, take a moment to consider the types of emotions and moods that the color tends to evoke.