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Psychology 101, or Introduction to Psychology, is one of the most popular classes on college campuses throughout the world. In addition to being a basic requirement for any psychology major, many colleges and universities expect all students to take the class as part of their general education requirements.

For some students, this introduction to psychology can be particularly daunting. Since many high schools do not offerpsychology courses, students often have little or no exposure to the subject prior to attending college. The sheer amount of information contained in the average Psych 101 course is enough to overwhelm even the most diligent student. After all, in addition to learning about the2019新万博appmanbetⅩ ,预计学生将触及各种主题,包括生物,社会,认知,社会和社会和personality psychology.

Fortunately, there are some key strategies that can help students achieve focus, improve their study habits and pass their introductory psychology classes. Whether you are thinking of pursuing a psychology degree or are simply trying to fulfill a general education requirement, the following tips can help you succeed in your first psychology class.

1. Start With the Basics

在开始大深度学习任何主题之前,重要的是要确保您有强大的基础掌握。在几乎任何介绍性心理学课程中,课程的前几个星期将致力于万博maxbetx官网登陆学习一点history of psychologyas well as the scientific methods that are used in psychological research. By familiarizing yourself with these topics early on, you will be able to gain a greater understanding and appreciation of psychology as you delve deeper into the course.

2. Focus on Developing Effective Study Habits

在学习核心学科l in your psychology course is essential, you should also spend some time developing your study habits andtest-taking strategies. This might involve evaluating your currentstudy techniques,了解新的作业方法,建立一项学习时间表。在网上找到有很多伟大的想法,但您还应咨询您的学术顾问或学校顾问,以获得最大的方式来充分利用您的学习。


Being able to write well is essential for passing virtually any psychology course. Fromwriting a formal research paper,实验室报告, andcase studies要在考试中完成论文问题,重要的是有效沟通。写作可能是令人生畏的,特别是对于不确定的学生how to find topics, conduct research, and structure their papers. If you need a little extra help, check to see if your school offers a writing lab where you can get advice, editorial reviews, and constructive criticism.

4. Participate in Psychology Research

One great way to learn more about psychology is to participate in research opportunities at your school. Many psychology programs allow undergraduate students to get involved in research, either by volunteering to participate in experiments or even acting as a research assistant to earn credits toward a degree.

联系您学校的心理学部门,万博maxbetx官网登陆了解您的选择,并查看是否有教授正在寻找学生帮助研究项目或实验。这是一个有用的第一手工作的好方法field of psychologyand an excellent way to discover which心理学领域万博maxbetx官网登陆你最感兴趣。

Start by learning a little more about psychology research by reading about psychology research methods, thescientific method,而且simple experiment.


当您进一步进入学期时,您会发现自己在学习越来越多的关于心理学中的许多主题。万博maxbetx官网登陆当您研究每个新章节时,请关注每个主题的尽可能多地学习。例如,当你开始学习时人类发展in your class, spend some time exploring online sites devoted to the developmental process. By reinforcing your class lectures and readings with supplemental information, you'll be able to gain a much deeper and richer understanding of the subject.

You can start by exploring some of the topics that are frequently covered in an introductory psychology class, including行为心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆,personality psychology,社会心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆, and认知心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆.

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