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万博maxbetx官网登陆心理学是对人类思想和行为的研究。虽然这两个科目的探索日期越来越几年,但心理学的正式科学实际上很年轻。万博maxbetx官网登陆在19世纪后期,Wilhelm Wundtformed the first experimental laboratory devoted to the study psychology, officially marking the beginning of psychology as a discipline separate from philosophy and physiology.



Why Should People Study Psychology?

There are lots of great reasons to study psychology! For many people, their first real experiencelearning about psychologyhappens when they take an introductory class in college to fulfill a general education requirement. Some young students are fortunate to have the opportunity to takeAP Psychologyclasses in high school, which can be a great way to become more familiar with the subject.

有些人就选择在这里学习心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆h greater depth and opt to either major or minor in the subject in college. So why should you study psychology if you do not plan on entering some sort of social science field after you graduate? Even if you don’t plan to become a psychology major, you can still benefit a great deal from learning more about this topic.

Great reasons to study psychology:

  • Psychology is rich and fascinating and touches on every single aspect of who we are. Bystudying psychology,您可以了解更多关于您作为个人的人,包括您自己的发展,人格,思想和行为。
  • 万博maxbetx官网登陆心理学还可以为更好地理解其他人提供依据。通过了解人们让人们勾选和激励他们的激励,您将能够更高了解让人们做他们所做的事情的原因。
  • 万博maxbetx官网登陆心理学可以让你成为一个更好的沟通者,a better leader那and even a better friend. What you do with your knowledge is really up to you!



It might also surprise you to learn that there are many, many different types of psychologists. There are three main types that most can be categorized as:

  • Applied psychologists谁致力于应用心理知识来解决现实生活问题
  • Mental health psychologists谁利用他们的知识来诊断,治疗和预防精神疾病和心理困扰
  • Research psychologistswho perform experiments to learn more about the mind and behavior

There are also many different心理学分支万博maxbetx官网登陆每个分支都致力于在心理学中的特定主题的研究。万博maxbetx官网登陆Developmental psychology那for example, centers on the study of how people develop throughout the lifespan. Some of the other main branches of psychology include社会心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆cognitive psychology,人格心理学,万博maxbetx官网登陆健康心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆那andforensic psychology


赚一个学士学位的心理学学位万博maxbetx官网登陆is a popular option, and there are a number of different entry-level careers you might want to consider. For example, those with an undergraduate degree can hold positions as caseworkers or psychiatric technicians, while others choose to use their knowledge of the mind and behavior in other fields including sales, marketing, or human resources.


  • 您不能成为一名本科学位的持牌心理学家。
  • The term psychologist is a protected term, meaning that you cannot legally call yourself a psychologist unless you meet specific educational and training requirements.
  • 赚取硕士或博士学位,开辟了广泛的career options并且可以铺平到更高的薪水。


There is an enormous品种在心理学家表演的工作中。在精神健康领域的一些工作,他们评估,诊断和治疗心理条万博手机客户端件。其他人致力于研究心理主题的时间,以便为我们对人们的思考和行为的了解。尽管如此,其他专业人员还调查具体的真实问题,并提出解决这些问题的解决方案。


  • 他们工作的地方。一些专业人士在私人惯例中工作,而其他专业人员则可以在医院,诊所和商业环境中雇用。
  • How much training they have. Psychologists who are licensed have more opportunities and are able to work more independently. People with bachelor's or master's degrees in the subject may be employed in the field of mental health but they likely need to work under the supervision of a licensed professional.



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