你会怎么做如果你喜欢心理学hology but have no interest in working in the field of mental health? Fortunately, psychology is a very diverse field, and there are plenty of opportunities in other areas such as research and applied psychology.
Consider the following question from a reader:
Why Become a Research Psychologist
This scenario is not at all uncommon in psychology. Many students love the subject, yet are not at all interested in working in mental health settings. Experimental fields are great options for people who are fascinated by psychology and enjoy performing research.
As apsychology student, you've probably already gotten a taste of just how diverse the field can be. This can be a great thing because it allows for so many different career paths and options, but it can also be confusing for students as they struggle to select an educational path.
Just like many其他心理学领域万博maxbetx官网登陆,成为一名研究心理学家并不是“一种大小适合所有”的职业生涯。实际上有许多不同的程度可以追求。但是,重要的是要通过考虑您想要执行哪种类型的研究以及您最多的具体主题感兴趣。
What Do Research Psychologists Do?
In order to decide if this field is right for you, it is important to first understand exactly what these professionals do:
- 也被称为experimental psychologists,研究心理学家研究了广泛的人类和动物行为。
- 他们设计和开展实验,探索人们如何行动,思考,表现,互动,学习,感受和在不同条件下进行。
- This can encompass an enormous range of topics including记忆,注意,认知,决策,感知,以及你可以想到的任何心理主题。
What Degree Do You Need?
- Many students interested in becoming research psychologists begin with abachelor's in psychology. However, some come from a background in a related area such associal work甚至完全来自一个完全无关的学位区域。请记住,有可能switch to psychology for graduate school, even if your undergraduate degree is in an unrelated subject.
- 在某些情况下,学生可以选择追求master's degreein experimental psychology. However, it is important to note that job opportunities are generally more limited with a master's degree, which is why many opt to instead go on to earn a Ph.D. in psychology.
- 虽然您可能认为您仅限于获得博士学位。在实验心理学中,实际上有许多不同万博maxbetx官网登陆的选择可以选择追求。例如,如果您有兴趣研究人类大脑,那么您可能会选择赚取专注于神经心理学的学位。万博maxbetx官网登陆对社会行为有积极的兴趣?然后你可能想考虑博士学位社会心理学万博maxbetx官网登陆.
正如您所看到的,研究是几乎每个人都在扮演重要作用的东西field of psychology. Your goal now is to determine which particular specialty area interests you the most and exactly where you might want to work someday.
Research psychologists are employed in a wide range of sectors, including private research firms, universities, corporations, the military, and government agencies.
虽然你可能不会完全确定什么类型的博士学位。您想要追求的专业,您现在可以做的很多东西,为您的未来做好准备作为研究心理学家。首先在研究方法中服用大本科课程,statistics, and experimental design as you possibly can. Sign up for research opportunities through your school's psychology department and consider signing up as a research assistant. It's a great way to gain valuable experience while still earning college credits.