In recent years, awareness is increasing around the idea that mental healthis健康。这种对心理健康的关注反映在医万博手机客户端学研究和对替代治疗中的开发兴趣的新班次反映symptoms of depression。
Legality and Safety
有几个因素时要考虑它s to psychedelic therapy. Two of the first issues that may give pause are safety and legality. The regulations around psychedelics vary depending on your location. Within North America, ketamine-assisted therapies are both legal and have the ability to be prescribed by a physician. In 2019, the FDA approvedSpravato,一种基于氯胺酮的鼻喷雾,用于治疗抑制抑郁症。
Amy Morin, LCSW and Verywell Mind Editor-in-Chief, says, "Many people have safety concerns about psychedelics. While there is research on their effectiveness, more studies are needed to see how they could be administered safely in a way that alleviates mental health symptoms."
It's common to worry about "糟糕的旅行“when it comes to the usage of psychedelics. Ronan Levy, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Field Trip Health, says, however, that even difficult experiences with psychedelics are not without some benefit and can be therapeutic in the right circumstances.
其他considerations are pre-existing conditions that may serve as contraindications for psychedelic-assisted therapy. Prior to approving this method, physicians ensure that patients do not, for example, have hypertension or a history of psychosis.
“思维方式 - 这是你带来经验的集合,什么样的筹备工作,你在迷幻体验之前做了什么样的治疗,你带来迷幻体验的意图 - 对治疗结果产生影响,“ 他说。
Between taking time out of work, finding childcare, the need for space, a physician, and one or two therapists, psychedelic therapy is not without its costs. A two-week course of therapy with Field Trip Health, for example, can cost $2,400. Most individuals do a six-week course that may cost $5,900, which is too much for many people to manage.
Psychedelic Assisted vs. Traditional Therapies
“Traditional treatments对于精神疾病并不总是有效。甚至常见的条件,如抑郁和焦虑,往往不会反应药物和治疗,“莫林说。”研究替代治疗方法可能是有助于帮助一些人免受症状的救济。“
Psychedelics Enable Increased Communication Between Lobes of the Brain
levy说,“遵循迷幻体验,有一段神经塑性。Michael Pollan,在他的书中How To Change Your Mind那talks about it like a snow globe. You're kind of shaking everything out because as you grow old, you get into mental models, thinking patterns. With psychedelics, you're kind of shaking in a snow globe, which means there's an opportunity to re-craft how you think, how you habituate, whatever your outlook is.”
Levy likens this plasticity to the manner in which children are better able to learn new skills, such as a foreign language, before these mental models have become rigid as we age.
除了迷幻学过程外,还有额外的步骤来确保这种治疗成功。现场旅行健康表明六次会议,但这与谈话疗法交织,认知行为治疗(CBT)那冥想那and interviews. Utilizing these more established therapeutic methods alongside newer treatments like ketamine may become more prevalent as the latter grow in popularity.
What This Means For You