What to Know About Using Psilocybin for Depression


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psilocybin是一种在许多蘑菇中发现的物质(通常被称为“magic mushrooms”) that produces psychedelic effects. When this substance is ingested, it produces feelings of euphoria and sensory hallucinations that last for several hours.


沮丧is one of the most common forms of mental illness. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that an estimated 7.1% of all adults in the U.S. experienced at least one episode of depression during the previous year.

Fortunately, standard treatments such as antidepressants and psychotherapy can be effective. However, a recent resurgence of interest in the use of psychedelics to treat mental illness has revealed that substances such as psilocybin may be another effective tool in the treatment of depression.

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy


Afterwards, the therapist will work with the individual to help them integrate their psychedelic session. The goal is to help the person process and find meaning in what they have just experienced.



While there has been a recent uptick in interest and research on the therapeutic uses for psilocybin and other psychedelics, their use for medicinal and spiritual purposes is nothing new.

Various cultures and religious traditions have long utilized psychedelic substances as part of traditional medicine and spiritual rituals.




In 2006, researchers gained approval to investigate the potential of psilocybin as a treatment. This research concluded that psilocybin is generally safe and could have a positive impact on well-being.



Psilocybin has effects that are similar to those of LSD. People may experience feelings of relaxation and euphoria. The substance works by acting on pathways in the brain that involve the use of the neurotransmitterserotonin。这种行动导致感知和改变意识的变化。


  • 扭曲的感知,包括改变的时间或地点
  • 兴奋
  • 幻觉
  • 高度精神或内在的经历


Some researchers speculate that this may play a role in psilocybin's beneficial impact on depression. By changing brain connections and forming new ones, it may help people get out of depressive patterns.


While research on the use of psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression is ongoing, the results of clinical trials have yielded promising results.




一个2020年的研究出版于贾马精神病学由John Hopkins Medicine的研究人员领导,发现两种剂量的Psilocybin和支持性心理治疗导致快速,显着的抗抑郁作用。大约67%的参与者经历了50%的症状减少。这些效果也似乎持久。在治疗后四周后,54%的患有Psilocybin治疗的参与者不再抑郁。




  • 妄想
  • 睡意
  • 头痛
  • Nausea
  • Nervousness
  • 恐慌
  • 偏执狂
  • 精神病

Psilocybin诱导的迷幻体验也有时会导致被称为“糟糕的旅行。” During this experience, a person may experience intense feelings of anxiety and fear. It can also lead to frightening experiences of paranoia, delusions, and hallucinations.






The Schedule IV category is defined as substances that have a low risk of dependence and low potential for abuse. This category includes drugs such as Ambien and Xanax.


While it isn’t likely that people will be able to pick up a prescription for the substance at their local pharmacy, there may be a time in the future when people are able to visit a doctor or mental health professional in order to receive psilocybin-assisted treatment for their depression.

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