Ketamine to Treat Treatment-Resistant Depression

nasal spray bottle

詹妮弗·史密斯/ Getty Images

沮丧is the second most common mental health disorder in the United States. 17.3 million (7.1%) U.S. adults have experienced at least one episode of抑郁症within a calendar year.

沮丧can affect your professional life and personal life and destroy your self-worth and ultimately wreak havoc on your life. Depression can affect anyone and everyone without a clear-cut reason.

治疗抑郁症通常是药物的组合,特别是抗抑郁药和心理治疗方法如认知行为疗法(CBT). Antidepressants,特别是选择性血清素再摄取抑制剂(SSRIs), take approximately four to six weeks to work.

But what happens if you have tried numerous medications, therapy approaches, and different combinations of each without any improvement? Not every individual will benefit from traditional therapy and antidepressants. This kind of depression is known as treatment-resistant depression.




It is aSchedule III drug根据毒品管制局(DEA), which means that it has medically accepted uses but also has potential for abuse, including physical and psychological dependence.


Ketamine is also classified as ahallucinogen.然而,氯胺酮非常松散地定义为致幻原子,因为幻锐的类也包括像这样的药物lysergic acid diethylamide(LSD),萨尔维亚,peyote,phencyclidine(PCP),以及psilocybin(mushrooms).

Ketamine, when administered as a prescription, has the potential to treat post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD), treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, and both chronic and severe pain.

Ketamine as an Illegal Drug

Ketamine serves a purpose in medicine when prescribed correctly, but it is also a commonly abused drug. Commonly referred to as "Special K" and "Cat Valium," Ketamine is sold illegally as a mind-altering drug that enhances or alters mood and perception.


Usually, the “high” lasts for less than an hour and can cause a state of utter bliss, also known as euphoria. In addition to the typical “out of body experience,” higher doses that are typically injected can lead to an effect known as the “K-hole.”

“K-hole” refers to a near-death, out-of-body experience, where the user is incapable of interacting with others.

Treatment-Resistant Depression


It is difficult to determine who will have treatment-resistant depression, but research has shown that female gender and older age are risk factors for treatment-resistant depression.

Individuals who have chronic medical illnesses such as chronic pain and thyroid disorders are also at an increased risk for treatment-resistant depression and individuals who have a history of饮食失调,substance abuse紊乱,以及睡眠障碍.




在FDA批准之前,氯胺酮已经作为一种非处方药用于治疗这类抑郁症多年了。氯胺酮不能像抗抑郁药那样针对大脑活动fluoxetine(百忧解),文拉法辛(Effexor), andsertraline(Zoloft). Rather, it blocks a receptor called N-methyl-D-aspartate, or NMDA.

Researchers are still not certain why some people with depression respond to ketamine and others do not. Still, without FDA approval, this drug has been used for “off label” uses in individuals with treatment-resistant depression, pain management, and palliative care.

Before ketamine was FDA-approved for treatment-resistant depression, ketamine was administered intravenously. Following its approval by the FDA, individuals can administer it themselves as a nasal spray under medical supervision.




To be approved for ketamine, the individual must currently be taking another antidepressant and ketamine can only be administered to those who meet the criteria for treatment-resistant depression.

IV ketamine, also known as ketamine infusions, is not approved by the FDA but is still used as an off-label medication in Ketamine clinics for treatment-resistant depression, chronic pain, anxiety, and trauma.




这个窗口可以允许其他干预,including psychotherapy, to be implemented. Psychotherapy is an integral part of treatment for depression. Still, when individuals are extremely depressed, they usually cannot engage in psychotherapy in a meaningful manner, which can be too much of a psychological burden for them.

Ketamine is a medication that can potentially help alleviate depression rapidly, which can allow meaningful psychotherapy engagement for the long-term healing process.

Ketamine Clinics



Ketamine clinics are the new “methadone clinics” and are advertised to treat individuals with depression, anxiety, PTSD and pain disorders. These high-profit clinics are popping up all over the country to treat mental health conditions while simultaneously turning a high cash profit. Yes, they are controversial, but not all ketamine clinics are created equal.

Some of these clinics play by the rules and follow the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) treatment guidelines, whereas other clinics may not align with the therapeutic research. In other words, you must educate yourself and become familiar with how these clinics function, especially if you are looking to treat your depression.

For instance, some clinics don’t thoroughly screen patients for treatment-resistant depression or suicidal ideations and will potentially offer the medication for anyone who is willing to pay.



Although not an official guideline, the APA issued a statement that was published inJAMA Psychiatryin 2017. The APA recommended that before treatment, a doctor should:

  • Perform a comprehensive assessment of the individual’s depressive symptoms and check for a history of substance abuse or other psychiatric disorders, including suicidal thoughts.
  • Confirm that standard treatments for depression were not effective for the individual.
  • 评估个人的整体健康和该人为氯胺酮治疗的可能风险。

Because some clinics do not operate under proper protocols, if you are looking for a ketamine clinic to help with your treatment-resistant depression, you'll want to keep the following guidelines, listed below, in mind:

  • 评估
  • 经验
  • Administration and monitoring
  • Cost


  • 是谁actually evaluating youand determines if this treatment is appropriate for you?
  • 这个人是否基于评估?
  • 他们在评估中花多少时间?
  • Do they communicate with your primary care physician or mental health therapist?
  • 它们如何解决滥用药物?
  • Is the physician who does the evaluation the same physician who provides treatment?


  • 提供氯胺酮治疗的医生是否专业能够对待你的病情?换句话说,这位医生是一位精神科医生,专门治疗严重情绪和焦虑症吗?
  • What is the extent of the provider’s ketamine infusion experience?
  • 询问数字,结果,无论他们是否保留自己的患者数据和结果的登记,他们如何在治疗过程中以及后来在治疗过程中遵循结果,以及他们如何与其他人对待您的其他人协调。


  • Is the route for administration of ketamine specifically IV?
  • 氯胺酮是用电脑输液泵注射的吗?
  • Is the dose adjusted during infusions or throughout the treatment course?
  • 多久给药一次?
  • 调整是否标准化或有所不同?
  • 是否对您的生命体征进行持续监测?
  • 您如何在治疗期间和之后在心理上监测?


  • 这种治疗成本是多少,您的保险提供了保险?
  • How many rounds of ketamine are recommended?

What Interferes With Ketamine Treatment


  • 活性物质滥用(酒精,大麻,非处方药,处方疼痛药物等)
  • 历史psychosis
  • 历史increased intracranial pressure
  • Current pregnancy
  • 不受控制的高血压
  • 急性或不稳定型心脏病
  • A previous negative response to ketamine

Ketamine Side Effects


  • 心跳加速
  • 高血压
  • 自发发声
  • Confusion
  • Hallucination
  • 肌肉颤栗
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Drowsiness
  • 记忆丧失


Like opioids, also known as prescription painkillers, ketamine has addictive properties and can result in substance use disorders in certain individuals or when it's misused.




  • 慢性咳嗽,如果药物是烟熏的
  • 如果它哼了一下鼻子或流鼻血
  • Skin wounds and track marks if it is injected
  • 饮食、卫生和睡眠模式的变化
  • 对痛苦刺激的反应减少
  • 瞳孔散大
  • Increased saliva and tear production
  • Extreme sleepiness
  • Slurred speech
  • 僵硬的肌肉
  • 无法控制和快速的眼睛运动


沮丧is a common mental health disorder that is best treated using a multitude of treatment options.

沮丧is best treated when we understand the individual, his or her underlying triggers, and by offering this individual a multidisciplinary approach to treating them.


Treating depression (or any mental health or substance abuse disorder) is not a “one-stop-shop,” meaning that it often takes a village and a combination of different modalities and approaches to find the best treatment plan for each individual.

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Article Sources
万博手机官网Verywell Mind仅使用高质量的来源,包括同行评审的研究,来支持我们文章中的事实。阅读我们的编辑过程to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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