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  • A recent study examined the impact cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can have on occupational outcomes for individuals struggling with depression.
  • The results showed CBT helped participants to land jobs as well as improve performance at work.


咨询选择适用于陷入抑郁症的个人,但是你可以衡量效果吗?最近发表的一项研究Cognitive Behaviour Therapy看着认知行为治疗(CBT)对遭受抑郁症的个人的职业结果来看待影响。

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

认知行为治疗is one of the most researched types of therapy and is often used as a short-term, effective treatment for a wide range of conditions like anxiety, depression, addiction, eating disorders, and phobias.


Daniel Strunk, PhD


- Daniel Strunk,PHD

Individuals that undergo CBT are typically seeking to identify and change destructive thought patterns through a wide range of strategies, such as mental distractions or journaling.

The goal of this type of therapeutic treatment is to change the automatic negative thought response that contributes to the individual's feelings of psychological distress. These thoughts are then replaced with more realistic, objective ones.

“我们努力帮助人们在CBT获取的单一最重要的技能是识别他们的思想并返回并重新评估它们,”铅研究作者Daniel Strunk,PHD说。


作为CBT治疗师,Jolie Weingeroff,联合创始人和主任PVD心理伙伴,发现这种方法对于努力努力提​​出的患者是有效的,这只是一种描述个人在工作中缺乏焦点或无法完成任务的方式的另一种方式。由于受伤,疾病或精神状态,职业主义可以表现出来。


The Research

The study looked at employment status, presenteeism, depressive symptoms, cognitive style, and CBT skills of 126 participants taking part in a 16-week course of CBT for depression. Participants fell into two groups: those seeking to improve their employment status and those consistently employed during treatment. Participants were assessed both before and after treatment.


Mary Gay, PhD


— Mary Gay, PhD


But for individuals who have depression and are struggling to find employment, the resolution is not just in necessarily alleviating the symptoms, but in building a strong mental foundation with the help of CBT. Strunk points to negative self-views as a key characteristic of depression that can also exacerbate the stress of looking for work.



“作为潜行事业的抑郁症不是在工作中不生产效率的广泛接受的原因,”Mary Gay, PhD谁专门通过成瘾和发育创伤帮助专业人士。“CBT通过帮助消除消耗抑郁症患者的负面思想,增加工作场所的集中和效率。”




While this study was conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, these findings are perhaps even more relevant today. Millions of jobs have been lost as a result of the pandemic, and countless others are navigating this time as either essential workers or working from home.


Jolie Weingeroff,Phd


— Jolie Weingeroff, PhD

“The more you have people facing this uncontrollable stressor with a lot of uncertainty, the more they're going to be pulled into overly negative views," Strunk says. "And it's hard not to succumb to that.”




What This Means For You

Work-related or not, if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, professional help is available to you. However, if therapy is not a viable option for financial reasons or otherwise, implementing one or more CBT coping strategies into daily life could provide some relief.

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